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John "Bridge" Martin Articles Roy Krenkel Tribute ERB, Inc. ERB Books Huck Huckenpohler Alan Hanson Articles Thomas Yeates Art
Mento TV Shows Reviews Lupton ERB Drabble Stories , , , ,
Note: Editions without "hot links" are in preparation for future release

VOLUMES 7000-7099
7000: Intro 7001: Martin: Tarzan/Apes Summary I 7002: Martin: Tarzan/Apes Summary II 7003 Martin: Tarzan/Apes Summary III
7004 Martin: Tarzan/Apes Summary IV 7005 Martin: ERB In Verse III 7006 Martin: Carter: Dream Come True 7007 Martin: Return of Tarzan Summary I
7008: Martin: Return of Tarzan Summary II 7009: Martin: Return of Tarzan Summary III 7010: Martin: Return of Tarzan Summary IV 7011: Martin: Monster Men Summary I
7012: Martin: Monster Men Summary II 7013: Lupton: 30 Drabbles June II 7014: Lupton: 31 Drabbles July II _ Pt. 2 7015: Lupton Drabbles: Aug II _ Pt. 2
7016: Lupton Drabbles: Sept II _ Pt. 2 7017:  Lupton Drabbles: Oct II _ Pt. 2 7018: Chapman: Brix From Tacoma 7019: Martin: ERB Tales IV
7020: Roy Krenkel Gallery 7021:Opar Ch. 1_Ch. 2_Ch. 3_ Ch. 4 7022: Opar Ch. 5_Ch. 6_Ch. 7_Ch. 8 7023: Opar Ch. 9_Ch. 10_Ch. 11_Ch. 12
7024: Puncer: ERB:  US Cavalry 7025: Nichols: Jewels of Opar Intro 7026: Ralph Rothmund: ERB, Inc. 7027: Michael Whelan Mars Art
7028: Gino D'Achille Mars Art 7029: Burroughs Boom of the '60s 7030 Ekman: Exploring Jetan_ a: Rules 7031: Eclectica 2018.01: Clippings
7032: Eclectica 2018.02: Clippings 7033: Eclectica 2018.03: Clippings 7034: Eclectica 2018.04: Clippings 7035: Eclectica 2018.05: Clippings
7036: Eclectica 2018.06: Clippings 7037: Eclectica 2018.07 Clippings 7038: Eclectica 2018.08: Clippings 7039: Eclectica 2018.09: Clippings
7040: Eclectica 2018.10: Clippings 7041: Eclectica 2018.11: Clippings 7042: Eclectica 2018.12: Clippings 7043: Eclectica 2019.01: Clippings
7044: Eclectica 2019.02: Clippings 7045: Eclectica 2019.05: Clippings 7046: Eclectica 2019.08: Clippings 7047:  Eclectica 2023.11: Clippings
7048: Higley: ERB News 7049: ERB Writing Methods 7050: Death of Kala: 5 Interpretations 7051: ERB: Editor: Golden Locket
7052: Michigan Military Academy 1 7053: MMA 2: Student Photos 7054: ERB Mystery: Bank Murder 7055: ERB Mystery: Murder at Midnight
7056: ERB: Dupuyster Case 7057:  Martin: ERB Tall Tales VI 7058: Revenge of Tarzan Stills 7059: DD 2019 Willcox: Intro
7060: DD2019: Goodie Bag 7061: DD2019: Journey and Arrival 7062: DD2019: Exploring Willcox I 7063: DD2019: Huckster Room
7064:  DD2019: Presentations 7065:  DD2019: Exploring Willcox II 7066:  DD2019: Fort Grant I 7067:  DD2019: Fort Grant II
7068: DD2019: Fort Grant III 7069:  DD2019: Wind Up 7070: Rex Allen Museum 7071: Marty Robbins Museum _ Pt. 2
7072: Chiricahua Museum 7073: Hocking: Bill the Kid's First Kill 7074: Johnson: Casual Jetan Set 7075:  Hanson: ERB's "Foreign Legion"
7076: Martin: ERB Xmas Tales I 7077: Martin: ERB Xmas Tales II 7078: Martin: ERB Xmas Tales III 7079: Martin: ERB Xmas Tales IV
7080: Martin: ERB Xmas Tales V 7081: Willcox History by Kathy Klump I 7082: Willcox History by Kathy Klump I 7083: Willcox History by Kathy Klump I
7084: Meet Kathy Klump 7085: Liane: Jungle Goddess Film 7086: ERB Old Press Photos 7087: ERB Universe Communique
7088: Tarzan - Sussex Vampire 7089: Manson: ECOF 2019 Chicago 7090:  ECOF 2019 Chicago Photos 7091: Dunn: ECOF 2019 Chicago II
7092: Dunn ECOF: ERB Exhibit Photos 7093: Russ Cochran Remembered 7094: ERB Influences 7095: Martin: ERB Tall Tales V
7096: Lupton Drabbles: Nov II _ Pt. 2 7097: Lupton Drabbles: Dec II _ Pt. 2 7098: Lupton Drabbles: Jan II _ Pt. 2 7099: Lupton Drabbles: Feb II _ Pt. 2
ERB/Arizona Connection

VOLUMES 7100-7199:
7100 Foster Tarzan: Intro 7101: GALLERY/DOOMED: 36.10.11 ~ #292 7102: UNDERGROUND BATTLE ~ 36.10.18 ~ #293 7103: DESPERATE CHANCE ~ 36.10.25 ~ #294
7104: SPUTTERING DEATH ~ 36.11.01 ~ #295 7105: BURIED ALIVE ~ 36.11.08 ~ #296 7106: DANGEROUS WAY ~ 36.11.15 ~ #297 7107: UNEXPECTED WARNING  ~ 36.11.22 ~ #298
7108: WAR ~ 36.11.29 ~ #299 7109: SOLDIER LION ~ 36.12.06 ~ #300 7110: FLINT'S SURPRISE  ~ 36.12.13 ~ #301 7111: DEATH FROM THE SKIES  ~ 36.12.20 ~ #302
7112: TRAP FOR TARZAN ~ 36.12.27 ~ #303 7113: A HOSTILE ALLY ~ 37.01.03 ~ #304  7114: TARZAN, SKY WARRIOR ~ 37.01.10 ~ #305 7115:  WINGED DOOM ~ 37.01.17 ~ #306
7116: DEATH'S SKYWAY ~ 37.01.24 ~ #307 7117: A DANGEROUS RAID ~ 37.01.31 ~ #308 7118: A MESSAGE IN BLOOD ~ 37.02.07 ~ #309 7119: THE TYRANT'S HAND ~ 37.02.014 ~ #310
7120: A FIERY TRAP ~ 37.02.021 ~ #311 7121: HOPE - AND DESPAIR ~ 37.02.028 ~ #312 7122: AN OVERWHELMING FOE ~ 37.03.07 ~ #313 7123: TRICKED ~ 37.03.14 ~ #314
7124: A HERO DIES ~ 37.03.21 ~ #315 7125: TARZAN'S MISTAKE ~ 37.03.28 ~ #316 7126: TREACHERY ~ 37.04.04 ~ #317 7127: FLINT'S RETURN ~ 37.04.11 ~ #318
7128: TARZAN STRIKES ~ 37.04.18 ~ #319 7129: LONE RAIDER ~ 37.04.25 ~ #320 7130: TARZAN BALKED ~ 37.05.02 ~ #321
(Last Foster Strip)
7131: A LONG CHANCE ~ 37.05.09 ~ #322 
(First Hogarth Strip)
7132 Burroughs Bulletin Original 12 7133 Burroughs Bulletin Original 12a 7134 Burroughs Bulletin Original 12b 7135 Weissmuller Lighter Side
7136: John Carter: Future of Film 7137 ERBbooks: Tarzan of the Apes 7138 Buckingham: Tarzan: Untamed Frontiers 7139 Goodwin: ERB Paperback Bibliography
7140: Eckert: Tazan/Pellucidar 7141: Romance of Tarzan (Spanish Interp) 7142 Romance of Tarzan (Spanish Interp) II 7143 Jess Terrell: Kavuru Question Resolved
7144: Meet Tarzan Artist Tom Floyd 7145: Tom Floyd Moon Maid & ERB Art 7146: Lupton: Betta St. John 7147: Lupton: Lee Canalito
. 7148: Jusko Interview Tarzan Covers Project 7149: Jusko Authorized Tarzan Covers .
7150: Jusko Tarzan Frontispieces 7151:  Dunn: Barsoom Elders 7152: Anacleto: Dejah Thoris Gallery 7153: Lupton Drabbles: Mar II _ Pt. 2
7154: Lupton: Drabbles: Apr II_Pt. 2 7155: Lupton Drabbles: May II _ Pt. 2 7156  Lupton Drabbles: June II _ Pt. 2 7157 Lupton Drabbles: July II _ Pt. 2
7158 Lupton Drabbles August II _ Pt. 2 7159 Lupton Drabbles Sept II_Pts. 2 7160 Lupton Drabbles Oct II_Pt. 2 7161 Lupton Drabbles: Nov II _ Pt. 2
7162 Lupton Drabbles: Dec II _ Pt. 2 7163 Lupton Drabbles: Jan III _ Pt. 2 7164 DeLaat: Antar 60/61 7165  DeLaat: Antar 62/63
7166 DeLaat: Antar 64/65/66 7167 DeLaat: Antar 67/68 7168  Burroughs Bulletin Original 11 7169: Frazetta Worlds
7170: Hillman: ERBzine Vision 7171: Burroughs Bulletin Original 1 7172: Burroughs Bulletin Original 2 7173: Burroughs Bulletin Original 3
7174: Burroughs Bulletin Original 4 7175: Burroughs Bulletin Original 5 7176: Burroughs Bulletin Original 6 7177:  Burroughs Bulletin Original 7
7178: Burroughs Bulletin Original 8 7179: Burroughs Bulletin Original 9 7180:  Burroughs Bulletin Original 10 7181: Hanson: ERB Smokers I
7182: Smoking in ERB's Fiction II 7183: Smoking in ERB's Fiction III 7184: Hanson: Friendly Ape-Man 7185: Carson Napier: A Test I
7186: Carson Napier: A Test II 7187: Tarzan Savage Nerves - Cigarettes 7188: Study In Scarlet: Tarzan Style 7189: Ring Motif in The Mad King
7190: Rings, Symbolism & ERB 7191: 10 "Babes" of Tarzan 7192: Apache Devil 7193: Heroine's Great Fear
7194: John Harwood: Fanzine Writer 7195: On the Trail of the Real Moon Maid 7196: ERB's Marcia of the Doorstep 7197: Nightmarish Side of ERB
. 7198: Transformation of The Mucker I 7199: Transformation of The Mucker II .

VOLUMES 7200-7299:
7200: 7293BURNE HOGARTH CONTENTS _ Pt. 2 7201: A LONG CHANCE 37.05.09 ~ #322 7202: WEB OF DEATH 37.05.16 ~ #323 7203: ELEPHANTS OF STEEL 37.05.23 ~ #324
7204: THE FIGHTING APE  37.05.30 ~ #325 7205: TARZAN BALKED ~ 1937.06.06 ~ #326 7206: GOOD FOR EVIL - 1937.06.13 ~ #327 7207:  CONFLICT: 1937.06.20 ~ #328
7208: BLOOD OF TARZAN: 1937.06.27 ~ #329 7209: SOLDIERS/JUNGLE ~ 1937.07.04 ~ #330 7210: JUNGLE VENGEANCE ~  1937.07.11 ~ #331 7211: HENCHMEN OF DEATH 1937.07.18 ~ #332
7212: DESPERATE CHANCE ~ 1937.07.25 ~ #333 7213: DARING ADVENTURE ~ 1937.08.01 ~ #334  7214: LION TRAP ~ 1937.08.08 ~ #335 7215: FRIENDS - OR FOES ~ 1937.08.15 ~ #336
7216: KING OF LIONS ~ 1937.08.22 ~ #337 7217: CHALLENGE ~ 1937.08.29 ~ #338 7218: A FRIEND IN NEED ~ 1937.09.05 ~ #339 7219: TARZAN'S LAST STAND ~ 1937.09.12 ~ #340
7220: WAR OF TWO WORLDS  ~ 1937.09.19 ~ #341 7221: STAMPEDE ~ 1937.09.26 ~ #342 7222: CABIN IN WILDERNESS ~ 1937.10.03 ~ #343 7223: HOMECOMING 1937.10.10 ~ #344
7224: TARZAN'S EXILE 1937.10.17 ~ #345 7225: SAVAGE RAIDERS 1937.10.24 ~ #345 7226: DEVIL-GOD ~ 1937.10.31 ~ #347 7227:  TARZAN THE BEAST~ 1937.11.07 ~ #348
7228: MYSTERIOUS MESSENGER ~ 1937.11.14 ~ #349 7229: SINISTER ALLIES ~ 1937.11.21 ~ #350 7230: TREACHERY ~ 1937.11.28 ~ #351 7231: BETWEEN TWO FIRES ~ 1937.12.05 ~ #352
7232: TARZAN'S HAZARD ~ 1937.12.12 ~ #353 7233: TARZAN'S GRAVE ERROR ~ 1937.12.19 ~ #354 7234: THE LONE SCOUT ~ 1937.12.26 ~ #355 7235: ATTACK! 1938.01.02 ~ #356
7236:  TARZAN'S  DARING 1938.01.09 ~ #357 7237: FLAMING BARRICADE 1938.01.16 ~ #358 7238: INTO THE BREACH 1938.01.23 ~ #359 7239: TARZAN ON PATROL 1938.01.30 ~ #360
7240: ANNITJE THE FLIRT :: 1938.02.06 ~ #361 7241: BESIEGED 1938.02.13 ~ #362 7242: HERO OF THE VELDT ~ 1938.02.20 ~ #363 7243: SHADOW OF DOOM ~ 1938.02.27 ~ #364
7244: RACE WITH DEATH ~ 1938.03.06 ~ #365 7245: MYSTERY AND ALARM ~ 1938.03.13 ~ #366 7246: PIONEER FORTRESS ~ 1938.03.20 ~ #367 7257: LOVE INTO HATE 1938.03.27 ~ #368
7248: THE TRAITOR 1938.04.03 ~ #369 7249: ON THE WARPATH ~ 1938.04.10 ~ #370 7250: BATTLE ~ 1938.04.17 ~ #371 7251: VILLAINY ~ 1938.04.25 ~ #372
7252: TO THE RAMPARATS ~ 1938.05.01 ~ #373 7253: ENEMY WITHIN ~ 1938.05.08 ~ #374 7254: FLYING SQUADRON ~ 1938.05.15 ~ #375 7255: SHADOW OF DEFEAT ~ 1938.05.22 ~ #376
7256: CALL OF THE JUNGLE ~ 1938.05.29 ~ #377 7257: MYSTERIOUS SKELETONS ~ 1938.06.05 ~ #378  7258: AMBUSH ~ 1938.06.12 ~ #379 7259: CAPTURED ~ 1938.06.19 ~ #380
7260: FORBIDDEN EMPIREv1938.06.26 ~ #381 7261: THE HEADSMAN ~ 1938.07.03 ~ #382 7262: FRIEND AND A FOE ~ 1938.07.10 ~ #383 7263: HORSEMEN OF DOOM ~ 1938.07.17 ~ #384
7264: BANDIT'S RAID ~ 1938.07.24 ~ #385 7265: CAPTURED ~ 1938.07.31 ~ #386 7266: TARZAN'S DOOM ~ 1938.08.07 ~ #387 7267:  DEMON BEASTS ~ 1938.08.14 ~ #388
7268: "NATURES BROTHER"  ~ 1938.08.21 ~ #389 7269: A BID TO DISASTER ~ 1938.08.28 ~ #390 7270: DEVIL POWDER ~ 1938.09.04 ~ #391 7271: INVASION ~ 1938.09.11 ~ #392
7272: THE TRAITOR  ~ 1938.09.18 ~ #393 7273: TARZAN CAPTURED ~ 1938.09.25 ~ #394 7274: DOOMED TO DIE! ~ 1938.10.02 ~ #395 7275: A HUMAN TARGET ~ 1938.10.09 ~ #396
7276:  BOUND FOR DISASTER ~ 1938.10.16 ~ #397 7277: FANG'S POWER ~ 1938.10.23 ~ #398 7278: DEVIL-POWDER ARSENAL ~ 1938.10.30 ~ #399 7279: TRAPPED! ~ 1938.11.06 ~ #400
7280: LAST STAND ~ 1938.11.13 ~ #401 7281: TOWARD NEW PERILS ~ 1938.11.20 ~ #402 7282: JUNGLE COMBAT ~ 1938.11.27 ~ #403 7283: HAND OF FATE ~ 1938.12.04 ~ #404
7284: TARZAN'S ENEMY ~ 1938.12.11 ~ #405 7285: NEW DANGER ~ 1938.12.18 ~ #406 7286: RASH VENTURE ~ 1938.12.25 ~ #407 7287: TARZAN'S ENEMY ~ 1939.01.01 ~ #408
7288: TARZAN'S MISFORTUNE ~ 1939.01.08 ~ #409 7289: TRAPPED ~ 1939.01.15 ~ #410 7290: A NEW DANGER ~ 1939.01.22 ~ #411 7291: MAN OR BEAST? ~ 1939.01.29 ~ #412
7292: NET OF DOOM ~ 1939.02.05 ~ #413 7293: HELPLESS! ~ 1939.02.12 ~ #414  7294: A NEW MENACE ~ 1939.02.19 ~ #415 7295: FLYING TALONS ~ 1939.02.26 ~ #416
7296: BROKEN PARADISE ~ 1939.03.05 ~ #417 7297: CAPTURED ~ 1939.03.12 ~ #418 7298: FRIEND AND FOE ~ 1939.03.19 ~ #419 7299: THE HALF-MEN ~ 1939.03.26 ~ #420
MYSTERIOUS SPECTATOR: 37.05.21  ~ tzbh19390521.jpg ~ tzbh19390521h8.jpg
Mark Wheatley Tribute
VOLUMES 7300-7399:
Transition to Bob Lubbers Starts at 7345: August 27, 1950
7300: HOGARTH 1949-1950 7301:  TARZAN: 1949.10.23 :: No. 0972 7302: 1949.10.30 :: No. 0973 7303: 1949.11.06 :: 0974
7304:  1949.11.13 :: 0975 7305: 1949.11.20 :: 0976 7306: 1949.11.27 :: 0977 7307: 1949.12.04 :: 0978
7308: 1949.12.11 :: 0979 7309: 1949.12.18 :: 0980 7310: 1949.12.25 :: 0981 7311: 1950.01.01 :: 0982
7312: TARZAN: 1950.01.08 :: No. 0983 7313: TARZAN: 1950.01.15 :: No. 0984 7314: 1950.01.22 :: No. 0985 7315: 1950.01.29 :: No. 0986
7316: 1950.02.05 :: No. 0987 b/w 7317: 1950.02.12 :: No. 0988 7318: 1950.02.19 :: No. 0989 7319: 1950.02.26 :: No. 0990
7320: 1950.03.05 :: No. 0991 7321: 1950.03.12 :: No. 0992 7322: 1950.03.19 :: No. 0993 7323: 1950.03.26 :: No. 0994
7324: 1950.04.02 :: No. 0995 7325: 1950.04.09 :: No. 0996 7326: 1950.04.16 :: No. 0997 7327: 1950.04.23 :: No. 0998
7328: 1950.04.30 :: No. 0999 7329:  1950.05.07 :: No. 1000 7330: 1950.05.14 :: No. 1001 7331: 1950.05.21 :: No. 1002
7332: 1950.05.28 :: No. 1003 7333: 1950.06.04 :: No. 1004 7334: 1950.06.11 :: No. 1005 7335: 1950.06.18 :: No. 1006
7336: 1950.06.25 :: No. 1007 7337: 1950.07.02 :: No. 1008 7338: 1950.07.09 :: No. 1009 7339: 1950.07.16 :: No. 1010
7340: 1950.07.23 :: No. 1011 7341: 1950.07.30 :: No. 1012 7342: 1950.08.06 :: No. 1013 7243: 1950.08.13 :: No. 1014
7344: 1950.08.20 :: No. 1015 7345: 1950.08.27 :: No. 1016 7346: 1950.09.03 :: No. 1017 7347: 1950.09.10 :: No. 1018
7348: 1950.09.17 :: No. 1019 7349: 1950.09.24 :: No. 1020 7350: 1950.10.01 :: No. 1021 7351:1950.10.08 :: No. 1022 b/w


7352: Hanson: Tarzan/City of Gold 7353: Multi-Lingual Ape-Man 7354: Hanson: Role of Jews in ERB I 7355:  Hanson: Role of Jews in ERB II
7356: Hanson: Exploring Tarzan's Africa 7357: Hanson: Plundering Tarzan's Africa 7358: Hanson: Music of ERB I 7359: Hanson: Music of ERB II
7360: Hanson: Music of ERB III 7361: ERB Activist Author vs Wobblies 7362: Pondering the Pleasure of the Hunt 7363: "Bald, Fat Guy"in ERB’s Fiction
7364: Hanson: Operation Kaji 7365: Hanson: ERB's Jailbirds 7366: The Talkative Tarzan 7367: ERB and Poker
7368: Tarzan the Fearless 7369: PARIS "The City of Lights" 7370: Tarzan "Bwana" Indictment 7371: ERB's US Military Tributes
7372: Tarzan the Swimmer 7373: Chicago in ERB's Fiction Pt. 2 7374: Chicago in ERB's Fiction Pt. 1 7375: Hanson: Tarzan's Steel-Grey Eyes
7376: Battle of the Pass of the Ancients 7377: Hanson: Race Issues in ERB I 7378: Hanson: Other Black Slurs  in ERB II 7379:  Hanson: Other Slurs  in ERB III
7380: Lupton Drabbles Feb III _Feb IIIa 7381:Lupton Drabbles March III _ March IIIa 7382: Lupton Drabbles April III _ April IIIa 7383: Lupton Drabbles May III _ May IIIa
7384:  Lupton Drabbles June III _ IIIa 7385: Lupton Drabbles July III _ IIIa 7386: Lupton August III _ IIIa 7387: Lupton September III_IIIa
7388: Lupton: Drabbles OCT III_IIIa 7389: Lupton: Drabbles NOV III_IIIa 7390: Lupton: Drabbles Dec III_ IIIa 7391: Sam Moskowitz
7392: Burroughs Girls 7393: Stout: ERB World Art 7394: Manson: 60 Years of ERB Cons 7395: Dejah Ralston Burroughs: The ERB Legacy
7396: Sildan: Bold Barsoom Questions I 7397: Sildan: Bold Barsoom Questions II 7398: Sildan: Bold Barsoom Questions III 7399: Pete Ogden Remembered - Laurence Dunn

VOLUMES 7400-7499:

7400:  7401: Burroughs Tarzana Archive 7402: Intro ERB's Ghostly Script 7403: GS Ch. 1
7404: GS Ch. 2 7405: GS Ch. 3 7406: GS Ch. 4 7407: ERB: Young Tarzan
7408: St. John Photos 7409: ERB Calling All Cars to do 7410: Hully Remembers Dad 7411: Woolley: Tarzan Jungle King I
7412: Woolley: Tarzan Jungle King II 7413: Weintz/Ross: Tarzine Fanzines 1-28 7414: Ross: Tarzine Fanzines 29-56 7415: Ross: Tarzine Fanzines 57-82
7416: Tarzan with Jai and Cheetahfix 7417: Ely Stills fix 7418: Ely Screen Captures fix 7419: TV Press Kit
7420: Ely TV Tarzan Episode Guide 7421: Ely TV Tarzan Reviews 1-6 7422: Ely Tarzan Reviews 7-9 7423: Ely Tarzan 10-13
7424: Ely Tarzan 14-17 7425: Ely Tarzan 18-21 7426: Ely Tarzan 22-25 7227: Ely Tarzan 26-28
7428: Ely Tarzan 29-31 7429: Ely Tarzan 32-34 7430: Ely Tarzan 35-37 7431: Ely Tarzan 38-40
7432: Ely Tarzan 41-43 7433: Ely Tarzan 44-46 7434: Ely Tarzan 47-49 7435: Ely Tarzan 50-52
7436: Ely Tarzan 53-55 7437: Ely Tarzan 56-57 Conclusion 7438: Paul Norris Tarzan Comics Artist 7439: Manson: ERB Quiz Show Trivia
7440: Hanson: "Sufferin' Cats" 7441: ERB's Dogs in Life and Fiction 1 7442: ERB's Dogs in Life and Fiction 2 7443: ERB's Dogs in Life and Fiction 3
7444: ERB Battles in Pellucidar 7445: Battle II of Lewes: Fact and Fiction 7446: Battle of Lodidhapura Clearing 7447: Hughes' Mythos #4 
7448: Lupton: 43 Janes and a Jill 7449: Fanzine: ERBANIA 103 7450: Fanzine ERBANIA 1 and 2 Reprint 7451:  Fanzine: ERBANIA 01
7452:  Fanzine: ERBANIA 02 7453: TV Tarzan Contents ~ Meet Wolf/Lydia 7454: Wolf Tarzan TV Eps 1-3 7455: Wolf Tarzan TV Eps 4-6
7456: Wolf Tarzan TV Eps 7-10 7457:  Wolf Tarzan TV Eps 11-14 7458:  Wolf Tarzan TV Eps 15, 16, 17, 18 7459: Wolf Tarzan TV eps 19, 20, 21, 22
7460: Martin: Dum-Dum 2021 ~ Pt.I 7461: Martin: Dum-Dum 2021 ~ Pt.II 7462: Wolf Tarzan TV Eps: 23, 24, 25 7463: Tarzan TV Season 2:  Preview Eps 26
7464: Tarzan TV Season 2: 26, 27, 28 7465: ANOTAR FANZINE PROMOS 7466: Lupton ERB Drabbles Jan IV _ IVa 7467: Lupton ERB Drabbles Feb IV _IVa
7468:  Lupton ERB Drabbles Mar IV _IVa 7469: Lupton ERB Drabbles April IV _IVa 7470: Adams: ERB in Colour 7471: Adams Art
7472: Tarzan Green Goddess- Cards Pics 7473: Martin: Holiday Tweets 7474: Martin: Turkey Talk 7475: Boris: Tarzan & Adventure Art
7476: ERB Remembered On Web 7477: Sildan: Tarzan in Pal-ul-Don I 7478:  Sildan: Tarzan in Pal-ul-Don II 7479: WOOLA
7480: Bob Zeuschner Tribute 7481 Nichols _a_b_c_d: (Ch. 1-5) 7482: Nichols_a_b_c_d: (Ch. 6-10) 7483: Nichols_a_b_c_d: (Ch. 11-15)
7484: Nichols_a_b_c_d (16-20) 7485: Nichols_a_b_c_d_e(Ch.1-6) 7486: Nichols: Commentary Conc. 7487: Nichols: Commentary 1-6
7488: Nichols Commentary 1-7 7489: Nichols Commentary 8-14 7490: Nichols Commentary 15-22 7491: Nichols: Triumphant I: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 1-5)
7492: Nichols: Triumphant II: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 6-10) 7493: Nichols: Triumphant III: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 11-15) 7494: Nichols: Triumphant IV: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 16-20) 7495: Nichols: Triumphant V: _a_b_c_d_e (Ch. 21-26)
7496: Nichols: City Gold I: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 1-5) 7497: Nichols: City Gold II: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 6-10) 7498: Nichols: City Gold III: _a_b_c_d (Ch. 11-15) 7499: Nichols: City Gold IV: _a_b_c (Ch. 16-19)

VOLUMES 7500-7599
7500:  7501: JACKSON: ANOTAR 12 pt. 1 7502:  JACKSON: ANOTAR 12 pt. 2 7503: JACKSON: ANOTAR 13  pt. 1
7512  JACKSON: ANOTAR 14 _ Pt. 2 7513 JACKSON: ANOTAR 15_ Pt. 2 7514 JACKSON: ANOTAR 16 _Pt. 2 7515 JACKSON: ANOTAR 17_ Pt. 2
7516 JACKSON: ANOTAR 18 7517 JACKSON: ANOTAR 19 7518 JACKSON: ANOTAR 20_ Pt. 2 7519 JACKSON: ANOTAR 21_Pt. 2
7520 22 7521 JACKSON: ANOTAR 26 _ Pt. 2 7522: Buttigieg: Ant Men Origins 7523 Lupton: Immortal Tarzan
7524: Bob Burrows Remembered 7525 OPEN FIX 7526 Lupton: Kaldane Intervention 7527 Lupton: Kaldsane Liberation
7528: Buckingham: Tarzan Lion of Judah 7529 Maxwell: Gods of Atlanto 7530 Martin Stamps XXI: ERB's Tigers 7531: Lubbers Tarzan 19-23 Mad Scientist I (\Port)
7532 Lubbers Tarzan  Mad Scientist II (Port) 7533 Lubbers Tarzan  Lion Emperor I (Port) 7534 Lubbers Tarzan  Lion Emperor II (Port) 7535 Lubbers Tarzan Panther Men I (Port)
7536 Lubbers Tarzan Panther Men II (Port) 7537 Martin: Stamps/Envelopes XXII 7538 Denny Miller: TV Mag 1961 7539 Tarzana News Clips III _ Page IV
7540 Wolf TV Tarzan: 29, 30, 31 7541: Wolf TV Tarzan: 32, 33, 34 7542: Wolf TV Tarzan: 35, 36, 37 7543 Wolf TV Tarzan 38, 39, 40
7544 Wolf TV Tarzan 41, 42, 43 7545 Wolf TV Tarzan 44, 45, 46 7546 Wolf TV Tarzan 47, 48, 49 7547 Wolf TV Tarzan 50, 51, 52
7548  Wolf TV Tarzan 53, 54, 55 7549  Wolf TV Tarzan 56, 57, 58 7550  Wolf TV Tarzan 59, 60, 61 7551  Wolf TV Tarzan 62, 63, 64
7552  Wolf TV Tarzan 65, 66, 67 7553  Wolf TV Tarzan 68, 69, 70 7554 Wolf TV Tarzan 71, 72, 73 7555 Wolf TV Tarzan 74, 75
7556 Lara: Tarzan in Manhattan 7557 Jusko Art: Tarzan 13-16  7558 Tarzana Ranch Clips I 7559 Tarzana News Clips II
7560 Barsoomian Intro with Paul Allen 7561 Barsoomian Fanzine 01 7562 Barsoomian Fanzine 02 7563 Barsoomian Fanzine 03
7564 Barsoomian Fanzine 04 7565 Barsoomian Fanzine 05 7566 Barsoomian Fanzine 06 7567 Barsoomian Fanzine 07
7568 Barsoomian Fanzine 08 7569   Barsoomian Fanzine 09 7570  Barsoomian Fanzine  10 7571  Barsoomian Fanzine  11
7572  Barsoomian Fanzine 12 7573 Barsoomian Fanzine 13 _ Pt. 2 7574 Barsoomian Fanzine  14 7575: Barsoomian Fanzine 15
7576 Nichols: Eldorado Magnificent 1-5 7577 Nichols: Eldorado Magnificent 6-10 7578  Nichols: Eldorado Magnificent 11-15 7579   Nichols: Eldorado Magnificent 16-20
7580 Nichols: Eldorado Magnificent 21-25 7581 Nichols: ERB's Apocalypse 1-5 7582 Nichols: ERB's Apocalypse 6-10 7583 Nichols: ERB's Apocalypse 11-15
7584 Nichols: ERB's Apocalypse 16-20 7585 Nichols: ERB's Apocalypse 21-25 7586 Nichols: ERB's Apocalypse 26-30 7587 DC Tarzan Untamed No. 5 -254
7588   DC Tarzan Untamed 255 7589   DC Tarzan Untamed 256 7590  Martin: Celebrations 7591  Simmons: I Am A Barbarian
7592  Lupton Drabbles Sept 1-15 _ 16-30 7593  Lupton Drabbles Oct 2022 7594  Lupton Drabbles Nov 1-15 _16-30 7595 Lupton Drabbles Dec 1-15 _16-31
7596 Lupton Drabbles May 1-15_16-30 7597 Lupton Drabbles June 1-15_16-30 7598 Lupton Drabbles July 1-15_16-31 7599: Lupton Drabbles Aug 1-15 _ 16-31

VOLUMES 7600-7699
7600: BURNE HOGARTH TARZAN CONTENTS 7601: 1939.04.02 ~ #421 7602: 1939.04.09 ~ #422 7603: 1939.04.16 ~ #423
7604: 1939.04.23 ~ #424 7605: 1939.04.30 ~ #425 7606: 1939.05.07 ~ #426 7607:  1939.05.14 ~ #427
7608: 1939.05.21 ~ #428 7609: 1939.05.28 ~ #429 7610: 1939.06.04 ~ #430 7611: 1939.06.11 ~ #431
7612: 1939.06.18 ~ #432  7613: 1939.06.25 ~ #433  7614: 1939.07.02 ~ #434  7615: 1939.07.09 ~ #435
7616: 1939.07.16 ~ #436  7617 1939.07.23 ~ #437 7618 1939.07.30 ~ #438 7619 VILLAINY ~ 1939.08.06 ~ #439
7620 1939.08.13 ~ #440 7621  TRICKERY ~ 1939.08.20 ~ #441 7622 1939.08.27 ~ #442 GROOT CARLUS 7623: 1939.09.03 - #443 MISSING GIRL
7624: 1939.09.10 ~ #444 Dangerous Trail 7625: 1939.09.17 ~ #445 VILLAIN'S CHANCE 7626: 1939.09.24 ~ #446 CHALLENGE ACCEPTED 7627: 1939.10.01 ~ #447 MYSTERY
7628 1939.10.08 ~ #448 VILLAIN'S CHANCE 7629 1939.10.15 ~ #449 BEASTS/MOUNTAIN 7630 1939.10.22 ~ #450 DOUBLE DANGER 7631 1939.10.29 ~ #451 SEALED IN BLOOD
7632 1939.11.05 ~ #452 VANGER'S LUCK 7633 1939.11.12 ~ #453 VILLAIN'S TRICK 7634 1939.11.19 ~ #454 TARZAN'S ERROR 7635 1939.11.26 ~ #455PLANS FOR MURDER
7636 1939.12.03 ~ #456 KRAAL OF DEATH 7637 1939.12.10 ~ #457 FATEFUL DECISION 7638  1939.12.17 ~ #458 MASSACRE 7639  ORPHAN OF THE VELDT ~ 1939.12.24 ~ #459
7639a: FIRE TRAP  ~ 1939.12.31 ~ #460 . . .
7640 ERB on MURDOCH MYSTERIES 7641: JC Warlord 10: Confrontation 7642 JC Warlord 11: Dejah Origins 7643 JC Warlord 12: 
7644: JC Warlord 13: March of the Dead 7645 JC Warlord 14: Day Helium Died 7646: JC Warlord 15: History Holocaust 7647: JC Warlord 16: John Carter is Dead
7648 Lupton: Outlaw of Torn Perspective 7649 BB Cover Gallery 98 and Beyond 7650 Burroughsania CONTENTS 7651 Burroughsania Fanzine 11
7652: Burroughsania Fanzine12 7653: Burroughsania Fanzine13 7654: Burroughsania Fanzine14 7655: Burroughsania Fanzine 15
7656: Burroughsania Fanzine 16 7657: Burroughsania Fanzine 17 7658: Burroughsania Fanzine 18 7659: Tarzan Editions: Jusko DJs & Originals
7660 Lupton Drabbles Jan V _ Pt. 2: 16-31 7661 Lupton Drabbles Feb V _ Pt. 2: 16-28 7662: Lupton Drabbles Mar V _ Pt. 2 7663: ERBANIA Fanzine 03 _Pt. 2
7664: ERBANIA Fanzine 04 _ Pt. 2 7665: ERBANIA Fanzine 05_Pt.2 7666: ERBANIA Fanzine 06_Pt. 2 7667:  ERBzine/ERB, Inc. Connection
7668 Screen Tarzans Reunions 7669  Tommy Cook Photo Gallery 7670 Tarzan Epics Contents 7671 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 1&2
7672 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 3&4 7673Tarzan Epic: Episodes 5&6 7674 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 7_ Ep. 8 7675 Tarzan Epic: Episode 9 _ Ep 10
7676 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 11 _ Ep. 12 7677 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 13_ Ep. 14 7678 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 15 _ Ep. 16 7679 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 17 & Ep. 18
7680 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 19 _ Ep. 20 7681 Tarzan Epic: Episodes 21 & 22 7682 ERB Inc. 100 Anniversary 7683 Meet Actor Tommy Cook
7684 Ludo 1: Bio 7685 Ludo 2: Stuff 7686 Ludo 3: Posters 7687 Ludo 4: Collectibles
7688 Ludo 5: Photos 7689 Ludo 6: Eclectica 7690 ERBANIA 100/101_ Pt. 2 7691 ERBANIA 7 _ Pt. 2
7692 ERBANIA 8 _ Pt. 2 7693 ERBANIA 9 _ Pt. 2 7694 ERBANIA 10 _ Pt. 2 7695  Lupton Drabbles April V _ Pt. 2
7696 Lupton Drabbles May V _ Pt. 2 7697: Lupton Drabbles June V _ Pt. 2 7698  Martin: Stamps/Envelopes XXIII 7699 Eclectica WORK

VOLUMES 7700-7799
7700  7701 Tarzan 1950.10.15 :: No. 1023 b/w 7702 Lubbers 7703: Lubbers
7704: ERBANIA 84:w2001_Pt. 2 7705: ERBANIA 83:w2000_Pt. 2 7706: ERB: Artist and Humorist Pt. 1 Tarzams 7707 ERB: Artist and Humorist Pt. 2 Others
7708 7709 Jusko Tarzan FP Art I 771Jusko Tarzan FP Art II 7711 ERBANIA 11_ Pt. 2
7712: ERBANIA 12_ Pt. 2 7713: ERBANIA 13 _ Pt. 2 7714: ERBANIA 14 _ Pt. 2 7715 ERBANIA 15 _ Pt. 2
7716 ERBANIA 16_ Pt.2 7717 ERBANIA 17 _ Pt. 2 7718 ERBANIA 18 7719: ERB STAR ECOF 2023 Intro
7720 ERB STAR ECOF 2023: 02 7721 STAR ECOF 2023: 03 7722 STAR ECOF 2023: 04 7723 STAR ECOF 2023: 05
7724 STAR ECOF 2023: 06 7725 ERB Exhibit: Memorial Library 7726  ERB Exhibit: Memorial Library II 7727 ERB STAR CELEBRATION
7728: Martin: ERB Envelopes XXIV 7729: Martin: ERB Envelopes XXV 7730: Tarzan WB TV Reviews 7731: Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 1
7732:  Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 2 7733:  Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 3 7734: Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 4 7735:  Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 5
7736: Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 6 7737: Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 7 7738: Tarzan WB TV: Ep. 8 7739: ERB: Birth of Tarzan by His Poppa
7740: Lupton Drabbles July V _ Pt. 2 7741: Lupton Drabbles Aug V_Pt. 2 7742: Lupton Drabbles Sept V _Pt. 2 7743: Lupton Drabbles Oct Pt. 1_ Pt. 2
7744: Lupton Drabbles Nov Pt. 1_ Pt. 2 7745: Lupton Drabbles Dec Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7746: Lupton: Animal Crackers 7747: LONG 2023 DUM PHOTOS 1
. 7748:  LONG 2023 DUM PHOTOS 2 7749: Mark Schultz Tarzan Art .
7750. Mark Schultz Barsoom Art 7751: PERILS OF BARSOOM: 1-5 7752: More Fun! More People Killed! Intro(ADD) 7753: Eclectica 2024.1
7754 Joe Musso Remembered 7755: Meet Jim Goodwin 7756: Zeuschner: Princess of Mars Appreciation 7757: JC Warlord 17: 
7758: JC Warlord 18: 7759: JC Warlord 19: 7760: JC Warlord 20: 7761:  JC Warlord 21:
7762: JC Warlord Comic 22 7763:  JC Warlord Comic 23 7764:  JC Warlord Comic 24 7765:  JC Warlord Comic 25
7766:  JC Warlord Comic 26 7767:  JC Warlord Comic 27 7768:  JC Warlord Comic 28 7769: OAK: Jan of the Jungle
7770: McWhorter: Native Son, ERB MisNumbered 7771: Dunn: ECOF 85 Memories 7772: John Martin: Poet
7773: Tarzan TV An: #38 White Elephant 7774: Tarzan TV An: #37 Huntress 7775: Martin: ERB Envelopes XXVI 7776: Martin: Halloween
7777:  Tarzan Comic Strip Conclusion 7778: Korak Son of Tarzan Comic 8 _ Pt. 2 7779: Korak Comic 9 _ Pt. 2 7780:  Korak Comic 10 _ Pt. 2
7781:  Korak Comic 11 _ Pt. 2 7782:  Korak Comic 12 _ Pt. 2 7783:  Korak Comic 13 _ Pt. 2 7784:  Korak Comic 14 _ Pt. 2
7785 7786: Lupton Drabbles Jan Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7787: Lupton Drabbles Feb Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7788: Lupton Drabbles Mar Pt. 1_Pt.2
7789: Lupton Drabbles Apr Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7790 Oak Park/ERB Connection I 7791  Oak Park/ERB Connection II 7792 Luck: TV Epic Promo
7793 Luck: TV Epic Promo 7794 Luck: TV Epic Promo 7795 Luck: TV Epic Credits Bios 7796: Luck: Show Contents
7797: Luck: Promos & Licensing 7798: Luck Epic Photos & Slides 7799: New Adv Cards & Summaries .

VOLUMES 7800-7899
7800: CONTENTS: Hogarth Tarzan 1940 7801: VANGER'S PLOT ~ 400107 ~ #461 7802: AN INNOCENT VICTIM ~ 1940.01.14 ~ #462 7803: SCOUNDREL AT BAY ~ 1940.01.21 ~ #463
7804: VENGEANCE OF VELDT ~ 1940.01.28 ~ #464 7805: VANGER STRIKES BACK ~ 1940.02.04 ~ #465 7806: CAPTURED ~ 1940.02.11 ~ #466 7807: TRIGGER BOYLE   ~ 1940.02.18 ~ #467
7808: LAST WARNING ~ 1940.02.25 ~ #468 7809: THE CLOSING TRAP  ~ 1940.03.03 ~ #469 7810: THE VILLAIN UNMASKED ~ 1940.03.10 ~ #470 7811: SHOWDOWN  ~ 1940.03.17 ~ #471
7812: PLAN FOR AMBUSH  ~ 1940.03.24 ~ #472 7813: VILLAIN'S SHIELD  ~ 1940.03.31 ~ #473 7814: MISFORTUNE ~ 1940.04.07 ~ #474 7815: FAIR IS FOUL ~ 1940.04.14 ~ #475
7816: TREACHERY~ 1940.04.21 ~ #476 7817: JUSTICE IS DONE ~ 1940.04.28 ~ #477 7818: A COWARD'S TRICK~ 1940.05.05 ~ #478 7819: THE LONE AVENGER ~ 1940.05.12 ~ #479
7820: HARMFUL HELP 1940.05.19 ~ #480 7821: DEMONS OF THE DEEP ~ 1940.05.26 ~ #481 7822: DISASTER ~ 1940.06.02 ~ #482 7823: BITTER REWARD ~ 1940.06.09 ~ #483
7824: CONDEMNED ~ 1940.06.16 ~ #484 7825: MOLOCAR'S MIRACLE ~ 1940.06.23 ~ #485 7826: A HERO'S REPLY ~ 1940.06.30 ~ #486 7827: VANISHING HOPE ~ 1940.07.07 ~ #487
7828: INTO THE DEPTHS ~ 1940.07.14 ~ #488 7829: POOL OF DEATH ~ 1940.07.21 ~ #489 7830: REVOLT ~ 1940.07.28 ~ #490 7831: DEADLY ENEMIES ~ 1940.08.04 ~ #491
7832: DEFIANCE ~ 1940.08.11 ~ #492 7833: COSTLY CHALLENGE ~ 1940.08.18 ~ #493 7834: DEADLY PASSAGE ~ 1940.08.25 ~ #494 7835: PATH OF PERIL ~ 1940.09.01 ~ #495 
7836: FAILURE ~ 1940.09.08 ~ #496 7837: SECRET SIGNAL ~ 1940.09.15 ~ #497 7838: THE TRAP ~ 1940.09.22 ~ #498 7839: DANGEROUS PLAN ~ 1940.09.29 ~ #499
7840: TRAGIC ERROR ~ 1940.10.06 ~ #500 7841: FLAMING SWORDS ~ 1940.10.13 ~ #501 7842: BOLD ATTEMPT ~ 1940.10.20 ~ #502 7843: MYSTERIOUS CAVERN ~ 1940.10.27 ~ #503
7844: MOANING CHASM 1940.11.03 ~ #504 7845:  THE FIRE CITY ~ 1940.11.10 ~ #505 7846: BARRIER OF FIRE ~ 1940.11.17 ~ #506 7847: FEARFUL WARNING ~ 1940.11.24 ~ #507
7848: TZ Ann Marv _ Pt. 2 7849: Tarzan Marvel Annual 2 _ Pt. 2 do 7850: Tarzan Marvel Annual 3 _ Pt. 2 do 7851:  PERILOUS COMMAND ~ 1940.12.01 ~ #508
7852: THE CATAPULT ~ 1940.12.08 ~ #509 7853: DEATH'S SHADOW ~ 1940.12.15 ~ #510 7854: Dunn: Charles Reinsel 7855: FUTILE DARING ~ 1940.12.22 ~ #511
7856: Valdron: Interview, ERB, etc. Pt. 1 7857:  Valdron: Interview, ERB, etc. Pt. 2 7858:  Valdron: Interview, ERB, etc. Pt. 3 7859: MOON MAID TRILOGY: ERB Books
7860: ERBANIA 89_Pt. 2 7861: ERBANIA 91_Pt. 2 7862: ERBANIA 92  7863: ERBANIA 93 _ Pt. 2
7864: ERBANIA 94/95 _ Pt. 2 7865:  ERBANIA Fanzine 96/97_ Pt. 2 7866: ERB Inc/Mozzer Fan Letters  .7867: Hully's ERB Book Lists
7868: Rubimore Tarzan 1947.02.16 7869:  Rubimore Tarzan 1947.02.23 7870:  Rubimore Tarzan 1947.03.02 7871: Rubimore Tarzan Pit of Peril 1947,03,09
7872: Lupton Drabbles May Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7873:  Lupton Drabbles June Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7874 Lupton Drabbles July Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2 7875: Lupton Interview ERB: Black Gate
7876: Orndoff: Bruguera’s Spanish Tarzan "Whitmans" 7877: Ward Orndoff: Roburac the Invincible 7878 ERBANIA 87_Part 2 7879 ERBANIA 88 _ Part 2
7880: ERB SFX Interviews 7881 Danton Legacy 7882 McWhorter Legacy II 7883 Anacleto: Dejah Art
7884:BBV2001 Cave Girl 7885: BBV2002: Trailblazer to Pellucidar 7886: BBV2003: Pellucidar Encyclopedia 7887: BBV2004B Nature of Pellucidar's Sun
7888: BBV2005: You Cur, Sir! Unhand That Damsel! 7889: Nichols: ERB's Jurassic Park I_a _ b _ c_d 7890: Nichols: ERB's Jurassic Park II_a _ b _ c_d 7891: Nichols: ERB's Jurassic Park III_a _ b _ c_d
7892:  Nichols: ERB's Jurassic Park IV_a _ b _ c_d 7893: Nichols: ERB's Jurassic Park V_a _ b _ c_d 7894: Burroughsania 02 7895: Burroughsania 03
7896: Burroughsania 04 7897: Burroughsania 05 7898: Burroughsania 06 7899: BRIDE OF THE FIRE-GOD ~ 1940.12.29 ~ #512
7800temp hog400908 temp
VOLUMES 7900-7999
7900: CONTENT: Hogarth Tarzan 1941 7901: INTO THE CRATER ~ 41.01.05 ~ #513 7902: PIT OF DOOM ~ 1941.01.12 ~ #514 7903: THE GREAT ERUPTION ~ 1941.01.19 ~ #515
7904: EARTHQUAKE ~ 1941.01.26 ~ #516 7905: THE FIERY FLOOD ~ 1941.02.02 ~ #517 7906: FLIGHT BLOCKED ~ 1941.02.09 ~ #518 7907: TOWARD THE ABYSS ~ 1941.02.16 ~ #519
7908: SEA-BORNE DOOM ~ 1941.02.23 ~ #520 7909: WATERY TOMB ~ 1941.03.02 ~ #521 7910: FAREWELL ~ 1941.03.09 ~ #522 7911: PERIL FROM THE SEA ~ 1941.03.16 ~ #523
7912: THE DELUGE STRIKES ~ 1941.03.23 ~ #524 7913: A CRY FOR HELP ~ 1941.03.30 ~ #525 7914  IN THE FACE OF PERIL ~ 1941.04.06 ~ #526 7915 FUTILE BARRICADE ~ 1941.04.13 ~ #527
7916 VANISHED ~ 1941.04.20 ~ #528 7917 FRANTIC WARNING ~ 1941.04.27 ~ #529 7918 TRAGIC TALONS ~ 1941.05.04 ~ #530 7919: WITHOUT DEFENSE ~ 1941.05.11 ~ #531
7920: TROUBLE ~ 1941.05.18 ~ #532 7921: BACKWASH OF WAR ~ 1941.05.25 ~ #533 7922: TREATMENT FOR TREACHERY ~ 1941.06.01 ~ #534 7923: MYSTERIOUS ATTACK ~ 1941.06.08 ~ #535
7924: STARTLING REUNION ~ 1941.06.15 ~ #536 7925 IN THE ENEMY'S LAIR ~ 1941.06.22 ~ #537 7926: TRAPPED ~ 1941.06.29 ~ #538 7927: HE CHOOSES DEATH ~ 1941.07.06 ~ #539
7928: TWO SHOTS ~ 1941.07.13 ~ #540 7929: TO THE GALLOWS ~ 1941.07.20 ~ #541 7930:  HANGMAN'S NOOSE ~ 1941.07.27 ~ #542 7931: SINGING BULLETS ~ 1941.08.03 ~ #543
7932:: UNHOLY ALLIANCE ~ 1941.08.10 ~ #544 7933: NUMALI'S VICTORY ~ 1941.08.17 ~ #545 7934: THE ARROW FLIES ~ 1941.08.24 ~ #546 7935:  THE CHAMPION'S DEFEAT ~ 1941.08.31 ~ #547
7936:  SACRIFICE ~ 1941.09.07 ~ #548 7937: ASTONISHING FLIGHT ~ 1941.09.14 ~ #549 7938: PERILOUS GOAL  ~ 1941.09.21 ~ #550 7939: FATEFUL ARROW  ~ 1941.09.28 ~ #551
7940: QUICK AND DESPERATE  ~ 1941.10.05 ~ #552 7941:TREACHERY ~ 1941.10.12 ~ #553 7942: IN DEFENSE OF A FOE ~ 1941.10.19 ~ #554 7943: WARNING UNHEEDED ~ 1941.10.26 ~ #555
7944: DESERT MARKSMEN ~ 1941.11.02 ~ #556 7945: TRICKY FINGERS ~ 1941.11.09 ~ #557 7946: DOOMED TO LOSE ~ 1941.11.16 ~ #558 7947: DEADLY BULLETS ~ 1941.11.23 ~ #559
7948: DESERT PURSUIT ~ 1941.11.30 ~ #560 7949: A BULLET STRIKES ~ 1941.12.07~ #561 7950: DEATH IN THE DESERT ~ 1941.12.14 ~ #562 7950a: TOMB OF SAND ~ 1941.12.21 ~ #563
7950b: BLASTED HOPES ~ 1941.12.28 ~ #564 EXTRA
EXTRA 7951: Martin ERBapa Index 1-24 Pt. 1
7952: Martin ERBapa Index 1-24 Pt. 2 7953: ERB Play: Mary Quien I 1927 Pages 1-6b 7954: ERB: Mary Quien II  Pages 7-14 7955: ERB: Mary Quien III Pages 15-22
7956: ERB: Mary Quien IV Pages 23-29 7957: ERBANIA Fanzine98/99_ Pt. 2 7958 NEED 102/103 7959 Valdron: Review of Tarzan and Gods of Mars
7960: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 15: On Mars 7961: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell)15 Pt.2  7962: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 15 Pt. 3 7963: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 15 Pt. 4
7964: NC Wyeth / ERB Connection 7965: Lightning Man by JC & H Burroughs Ch. 1 7966: Lightning Men: Ch. 2 7967: Lightning Men: Ch. 3
7968: Lightning Men: Ch. 4 7969: Lightning Men: Ch. 5 7970: Griffin Interviews Rob Dorsey 7971: Ekman: Burroughs' Plots
7972: Ekman: Dejah Not Scientist 7973: Ekman: Nakedness on Mars 7974: Ekman: Carson Napier's Anotar 7975a: Ekman: “Jet-an” and Movie that Never Was
7976: ERB Library Inventory 1950: I 7977: ERB Library Inventory 1950: II 7978: ERB: Mr. Dinnwiddie I: pp. 1-13 7979: ERB: Mr. Dinnwiddie II: pp. 14-25
7980: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 11 7981: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 12 Pt. 1 7982: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 12 Pt. 2 7983: Burroughs Bulletin (Coriell) 12 Pt. 3
7984: Ekman: Tarzan & Barsoom Music 7985: Ekman: Did Ivor Thord-Gray Find Tarzan 7986: Ekman: Kari T. Leppänen Interview 7987: Ekman: Dynamite Perspectives
7988: McWhorter: ERB/Tarzan Parallels 7989: ERBbooks Pirates of Venus 7990: ERBANIA 86 7991: ERBANIA 85
7992: BBulletin coriell 22 Pt. 1: Arms of Tarzan 7993:  BBulletin coriell 22 Pt. 2: JC/Foundation 7994:  BBulletin coriell 22 Pt. 3: SF in Tarzan 7995: Waters: Psychological Evolution of Tarzan
7996: Lupton Drabbles August Pt. 1_Pt.2 7997: Lupton drabbles Sept Pt. 1_Pt. 2 7998: Lubton Drabbles Oct Pt. 1 _Pt. 2
7999: Lubton Drabbles Nov  Pt. 1 _Pt. 2

VOLUMES 8000-8099

001: Martian Tales I 8002: Martian Tales II 8003: Martian Tales II
8004: Martian Tales IV 8005 8006: Westwood-ERB Inc Letters
8007: Waters: Lothar-Kaldanes-Thavas:
8008: Webber: Enigma JC Longevity
8009: ERBANIA 82 _Pt. 2
8010: ERBANIA 81 _ Pt. 2
8011: ERBANIA 80Pt. 2
8012: ERBANIA 79 _Pt. 2
8013: Burton Art Princess Mars I
8014: Burton Art Princess Mars II 8015: ERBANIA 78 Pt. 1
8016: ERBANIA 78 Pt. 2
8017:  ERBANIA 77_ Pt. 2
8018:  ERBANIA 76_Pt. 2
8019: BBulletin 16: Pt. 2
8020:  BBulletin 16: Pt. 3
8021: ERBANIA 75 _ Pt. 2
8022: ERBANIA 74 _ Pt. 2
8023: ERBANIA 72/73 _ Pt. 2
8024: Richard Lupoff: SF Recollections 8025: BBulletin 17 Pt. 1
8026: BBulletin 17 Pt. 2 8027:
8028: Lupton Drabbles Dec Pt..1_Pt. 2
8029: Lupton Drabbles Jan Pt. 1 _Pt. 2
8030: 8031:
8032: BBulletin 18  Pt. 1
8033:  BBulletin 18 Pt. 2
8034: BBulletin 19
8036: BBulletin 21: Back to Earth's Core
8037: BBulletin 21 Pt. 2: Hogarth's Pellucidar
8038: BBulletin Original 33 Pt. 1
8039: BBulletin Original 33 Pt. 2
8040: ERBANIA  71 Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2
8041: ERBANIA 69/70 Pt. 1 _ Pt. 2
8042: 8043:
8046: 8047:
8048: 8049: 8050: 8051:
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The 15,000 related Webpages are accessed Internationally
and are easily searched via Google.

So.. please send in your suggestions and item contributions...
... and come back and visit us often.
Broadway 2006
Tarzan: The Musical
Tarzan® is the property of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Tarzana CA
These e-Fanzines have been posted as a non-profit bibliographic and biographic reference for ERB scholars, fans and collectors. Most material not created by myself  has been supplied by the ERB, Inc. archives in Tarzana, CA (see ERB, Inc. Terms of Use) and supplemented with material collated largely from other sites on the web -- and I believe it to fall under ERB, Inc. copyright or to be in Public Domain or to fall under the category of "product promotion" or "fair use". Everything has been collated into this on-line repository to promote interest in the works of Mr. Burroughs. If there is any objection to the way in which any of this material has been disNed, or if I have infringed unlawfully on any copyright, I will implement its immediate removal. Bill Hillman
ERBzine Archive 7
Nos. 6000-7000
ERBzine Archive 8
Nos. 7000-8000
ERBzine Archive 4
Nos. 3000-4000
ERBzine Archive 5
Nos. 4000-5000
ERBzine Archive 6
Nos. 5000-6000
ERBzine Archive 1
Nos. 0000-1000
ERBzine Archive 2
Nos. 1001 - 2000
ERBzine Archive 3
Nos. 2000  - 3000
Reference and Research
ERBzine Weekly Webzine
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2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
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2025  |
ERBzine Contributors
Index 1
Index 2
Photos 1 _ Photos 2 

ERBzine Weekly Webzine
The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERB Companion Sites Created by Bill Hillman
Danton Burroughs Website: Tarzana Treasure Vaults
ERBzine Weekly Webzine

Weekly Webzine
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute Site
Burroughs Bibliophiles

John Carter Film

Revised by ERB, Inc.
Revised by ERB, Inc.

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ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
Burroughs Bulletinby Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.
ERBzine Weekly Webzine is endorsed by Danton Burroughs of Tarzana, California
as the Official ERB, Inc. and Tarzan®Webzine Site