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Volume 7022c


Part Eight
Read Along with Woodrow Edgar Nichols, Jr.
It’s been a while, but we must always keep our focus on the jewels, so once again, we return to the person who currently possesses them, the Beligian cad, Albert Werper.  He has escaped Achmet Zek’s village and is looking for Jane, so he can bring her along for insurance.  Perhaps he has rape fantasies in mind, likely thinking that pleasure with treasure can’t be all that bad of a thing.

XV:  The Flight of Werper

After Werper had arranged the dummy in his bed, and sneaked out into the darkness of the village beneath the rear wall of his tent, he had gone directly to the hut in which Jane Clayton was held captive.

Before the doorway squatted a black sentry.  Werper approached him boldly, spoke a few words in his ear, handed him a package of tobacco, and passed into the hut.  The black grinned and winked as the European disappeared within the darkness of the interior.

The Belgian, being one of Achmet Zek’s principle lieutenants, might naturally go where he wished within or without the village, as so the sentry had not questioned his right to enter the hut with the white, woman prisoner.

Within, Werper called in French and in a low whisper: “Lady Greystoke!  It is I, M. Frecoult.  Where are you?”  But there was no response.  Hastily, the man felt around the interior, groping blindly through the darkness with outstretched hands.  There was no one within!

Werper’s astonishment surpassed words.  He was on the point of stepping without to question the sentry, when his eyes, becoming accustomed to the dark, discovered a blotch of lesser blackness near the base of the rear wall of the hut.  Examination revealed the fact that the blotch was an opening cut in the wall.  It was large enough to permit the passage of his body, and, assured as he was, that Lady Greystoke had passed out through the aperture in an attempt to escape the village, he lost no time in availing himself of the same avenue; but neither did he lose time in a fruitless search for Jane Clayton.

You will remember from Beasts of Tarzan that Jane knows how to escape men and take care of herself in the jungle.  This is one of the main reasons so many readers fell in love with her.  She is Tarzan’s true mate.  Other than that, we’ve had three men enter the hut to find it empty: Werper, Mugambi, and the amnesiac, Tarzan.  Perhaps Achmet Zek too.  Who knows?
His own life depended upon the chance of his eluding, or outdistancing Achmet Zek, when that worthy should have discovered that he had escaped.  His original plan had contemplated connivance in the escape of Lady Greystoke for two very good and sufficient reasons.  The first was that by saving her he would win the gratitude of the English, and thus lessen the chance of his extradition should his identity and his crime against his superior officer be charged against him.

The second reaaon was based upon the fact that only one direction of escape was safely open to him.  He could not travel to the west because of the Belgian possessions which lay between him and the Atlantic.  The south was closed to him by the feared presence of the savage ape-man he had robbed.  To the north lay the friends and allies of Achmet Zek.  Only toward the east, through British East Africa, lay reasonable assurance of freedom.

Accompanied by a titled Englishwoman whom he had rescued from a frightful fate, and his identity vouched for by her as that of a Frenchman by the name of Frecoult, he had looked forward, and not without reason, to the active assistance of the British from the moment that he came in contact with their first outpost.

But now that Lady Greystoke had disappeared, though he still looked toward the east for hope, his chances were lessened, and another, subsidiary design, completely dashed.  From the moment he had first laid eyes upon Jane Clayton he had nursed within his breast a secret passion for the beautiful American wife of the English lord, and when Achmet Zek’s discovery of the jewels had necessitated flight, the Belgian had dreamed, in his planning, of a future in which he might convince Lady Greystoke that her husband was dead, and by playing upon her gratitude win her for himself.

At that part of the village farthest from the gates, Werper discovered that two or three long poles, taken from a nearby pile which had been collected for the construction of huts, had been leaned against the top of the palisade, forming a precarious, though not impossible avenue of escape.

Rightly, he inferred that thus Lady Greystoke found the means to scale the wall, nor did he lose even a moment in following her lead.  Once in the jungle he struck out directly eastward.

A few miles south of him, Jane Clayton lay panting among the branches of a tree in which she had taken refuge from a growling and hungry lioness.

Her escape from the village had been much easier than she had anticipated.  The knife which she had used to cut her way through the brush wall of the hut to freedom, she had found sticking in the wall of her prison, doubtless left there by accident when a former tenant had vacated the premises.

To cross the rear of the village, keeping always in the densest shadows, had required but a few moments, and the fortunate circumstance of the discovery of the hut poles lying so near to the palisade had solved for her the problem of the passage of the high wall.

For an hour she had followed the old game trail toward the south, until there fell upon her trained hearing the stealthy padding of a stalking beast behind her.  The nearest tree gave her instant sanctuary, for she was too wise in the ways of the jungle to chance her safety for a moment after discovering that she was being hunted.

Werper, with better success, traveled slowly onward until dawn, when, to his chagrin, he discovered a mounted Arab upon his trail.  It was one of Achmet Zek’s minions, many of whom were scattered in all directions through the forest, searching for the fugitive Belgian.

Jane Clayton’s escape had not yet been discovered when Achmet Zek and his searchers set forth to overhaul Werper.  The only man who had seen the Belgian after his departure from his tent was the black sentry before the doorway of Lady Greystoke’s prison hut, and he had been silenced by the discovery of the dead body of the man who had relieved him, the sentry that Mugambi had dispatched.

The bribe taker naturally inferred that Werper had slain his fellow and dared not admit that he had permitted him to enter the hut, fearing as he did, the anger of Achmet Zek.  So, as chance directed that he should be the one to discover the body of the sentry when the first alarm had been given following Achmet Zek’s discovery that Werper had outwitted him, the crafty black had dragged the dead body to the interior of a nearby hut, and himself resumed his station before the doorway of the hut in which he still believed the woman to be.

With the discovery of the Arab close behind him, the Belgian hid in the foliage of a leafy bush.  Here the trail ran straight for a considerable distance, and down the shady forest aisle, beneath the overarching branches of the trees, rode the white-robed figurre of the pursuer.

Nearer and nearer he came.  Werper crouched closer to the ground behind the leaves of his hiding place.  Across the trail a vine moved.  Werper’s eyes instantly centered upon the spot.  There was no wind to stir the foliage in the depths of the jungle.  Again the vine moved.  In the mind of the Belgian only the presence of a sinister and malevolent force could account for the phenomenon.

The man’s eyes bored steadily into the screen of leaves upon the opposite side of the trail.  Gradually a form took shape beyond them – a tawny form, grim and terrible, with yellow-green eyes glaring fearsomely across the narrow trail straight into his.

 Werper could have screamed in fright, but up the trail was coming the messenger of another death, equally sure and no less terrible.  He remained silent, almost paralyzed by fear.  The Arab approached.  Across the trail from Werper the lion crouched for the spring, when suddenly his attention was attracted toward the horseman.

The Belgian saw the massive head turn in the direction of the raider and his heart all but ceased its beating as he waited the result of this interruption.  At a walk the horseman approached.  Would the nervous animal he rode take fright at the odor of the carnivore, and, bolting, leave Werper still to the mercies of the king of beasts?

But he seemed unmindful of the near presence of the great cat.  On he came, his neck arched, champing on the bit between his teeth.  The Belgian turned his eyes again toward the lion.  The beast’s whole attention now seemed riveted upon the horseman.  They were abreast the lion now, and still the brute did not spring.  Could he be but waiting for them to pass before returning his attention to the original prey?  Werper shuddered and half rose.  At the same instant the lion sprang from the place of concealment, full upon the mounted man.  The horse, with a shrill neigh of terror, shrank sideways almost upon the Belgian, the lion dragged the helpless Arab from his saddle, and the horse leaped back into the trail and fled away toward the west.

But he did not flee alone.  As the frightened beast had pressed in upon him, Werper had not been slow to note the quickly emptied saddle and the opportunity it presented.  Scarcely had the lion dragged the Arab down from one side, than the Belgian, seizing the pommel of the saddle and the horse’s mane, leaped upon the horse’s back from the other.

Werper, like Nikolas Rokoff before him, seems to have a bit of the Devil’s Luck, the kind Hitler experienced before his gloomy end.  The more evil the man, the more his Devil’s Luck.  But it always runs out in the end, just like General Custer’s notorious luck.  Oh well, tough shit!
A half hour later a naked giant, swinging easily through the lower branches of the trees, paused, and with raised head, and dilating nostrils sniffed the morning air.  The smell of blood fell strong upon his sense, and mingled with it was the scent of Numa, the lion.  The giant cocked his head upon one side and listened.

From a short distance up the trail came the unmistakable noises of the greedy feeding of a lion.  The crunching of bones, the gulping of great pieces, the contented growling, all attested the nearness of the king at table.

Tarzan approached the spot, still keeping to the branches of the trees.  He made no effort to conceal his approach, and presently he had evidence that Numa had heard him, from the ominous, rumbling warning that broke from the thicket beside the trail.

Halting upon a low branch just above the lion Tarzan looked down upon the grisly scene.  Could this unrecognizable thing be the man he had been trailing?  The ape-man wondered.  From time to time he had descended to the trail and verified his judgment by the evidence of his scent that the Belgian had followed this game trail toward the east.
Now he proceeded beyond the lion and his feast, again descended and examined the ground with his nose.  There was no scent spoor here of the man he had been trailing.  Tarzan returned to the tree.  With keen eyes he searched the ground about the mutilated corpse for a sign of the missing pouch of pretty pebbles; but naught could he see of it.
He scolded Numa and tried to drive the great beast away; but only angry growls rewarded his efforts.  He tore small branches from a nearby limb, and hurled them at his ancient enemy.  Numa looked up with bared fangs, grinning hideously, but he did not rise from his kill.

Then Tarzan fitted an arrow to his bow, and drawing the slim shaft far back let drive with all the force of the tough wood that only he could bend.  As the arrow sank deeply into his side, Numa leaped to his feet with a roar of mingled rage and pain.  He leaped futilely at the grinning ape-man, tore at the protruding end of the shaft, and then, springing into the trail, paced back and forth beneath his tormentor.  Again Tarzan loosed a swift bolt.  This time the missile, aimed with care, lodged in the lion’s spine.  The great creature halted in its tracks, and lurched awkwardly forward upon its face, paralyzed.

Tarzan dropped to the trail, ran quickly to the beast’s side, and drove his spear deep into the fierce beast, then after recovering his arrows, turned his attention to the mutilated remains of the animal’s prey in the nearby thicket.

The face was gone.  The Arab garments aroused no doubt as to the man’s identity, since he had trailed him into the Arab camp and out again, where he might easily have acquired the apparel.  So sure was Tarzan that the body was that of he who had robbed him that he made no effort to verify his deductions by scent among the conglomerate odors of the great carnivore and the fresh blood of the victim.

This is another of ERB’s favorite writing devices: a character making a seemingly right decision, only to find out later that he was totally wrong.  Now Tarzan will forever be at a loss as to the fate of his pretty pebbles.
He confined his attentions to a careful search for the pouch, but nowhere upon or about the corpse was any sign of the missing article or its contents.  The ape-man was disappointed – possibly not so much because of the loss of the colored pebbles as with Numa for robbing him of the pleasure of revenge.

Wondering what could have become of his possession the ape-man turned slowly back along the trail in the direction from which he had come.  In his mind he resolved a plan to enter and search the Arab camp, after darkness had again fallen.  Taking to the trees, he moved directly south in search of prey, that he might satisfy his hunger before mid-day, and then lie up for the afternoon in some spot far from the camp, where he might sleep without fear of discovery until it came time to prosecute his design.

Scarcely had he quitted the trail when a tall, black warrior, moving at a dogged trot, passed toward the east.  It was Mugambi, searching for his mistress.  He continued along the trail, halting to examine the body of the dead lion.  An expression of puzzlement crossed his features as he bent to search for the wounds which had caused the death of the jungle lord.  Tarzan had removed his arrows, but to Mugambi the proof of death was as strong as though both the lighter missiles and the spear still protruded from the carcass.

The black looked furtively about him.  The body was still warm, and from the fact he reasoned that the killer was close at hand, yet no sign of living man appeared.  Mugambi shook his head, and continued along the trail, but with redoubled caution.
All day he traveled, stopping occasionally to call aloud the single word, “Lady,” in the hope that at last she might hear and respond; but in the end his loyal devotion brought him to disaster.

From the northeast, for several months, Abdul Mourak, in command of an attachment of Abyssinian soldiers, had been assiduously searching for the Arab raider, Achmet Zek, who, six months previously, had affronted the majesty of Abdul Mourak’s emperor by conducting a slave raid within the boundaries of Menelek’s domain.
And now it happened that Abdul Mourak had halted for a short rest at noon upon this very day and along the same trail that Werper and Mugambi were following toward the east.

Yep, that’s all this story needed – another layer of menace to threaten our great black warrior.  ERB never hesitated to up the ante on any of his characters.  He, of course, was the real menace of the jungle.
It was shortly after the soldiers had dismounted that the Belgian, unaware of their presence, rode his tired mount almost into their midst, before he had discovered them.  Instantly he was surrounded, and a volley of questions hurled at him, as he was pulled from his horse and led toward the presence of the commander.
Falling back upon his European nationality, Werper assured Abdul Mourak that he was a Frenchman, hunting in Africa, and that he had been attacked by strangers, his safari killed or scattered, and himself escaping only by a miracle.

From a chance remark of the Abyssinian, Werper discovered the purpose of this expedition, and when he realized that these men were the enemies of Achmet Zek, he took heart, and immediately blamed his predicament upon the Arab.

Lest, however, he might again fall into the hands of the raider, he discouraged Abdul Mourak in the further prosecution of his pursuit, assuring the Abyssinian that Achmet Zek commanded a large and dangerous force, and also that he was marching rapidly toward the south.

Convinced that it would take a long time to overhaul the raider, and that the chances of engagement made the outcome extremely questionable, Mourak, none too willingly, abandoned his plan and gave the necessary orders for his command to pitch camp where they were, preparatory to taking up the return march toward Abyssinia the following morning.

It was late in the afternoon that the attention of the camp was attracted toward the west by the sound of a powerful voice calling a single word, repeated several times: “Lady! Lady! Lady!”

True to their instincts of precaution, a number of Abyssinians, acting under orders from Abdul Mourak, advanced stealthily through the jungle toward the author of the call.

Poor guy!  He’s already survived a musket bullet, now what?  Has Mugambi’s luck finally run out?  Well, it won’t be long before we find out.
A half hour they returned, dragging Mugambi among them.  The first person the big black’s eyes fell upon as he was hustled into the presence of Abyssinian officer, was M. Jules Frecoult, the Frenchman who had been the guest of his master and whom he last had seen entering the village of Achmet Zek under circumstances which pointed his familiarity and friendship for the raiders.

Between the disasters that befallen his master and his master’s house, and the Frenchman, Mugambi saw a sinister relationship, which kept him from recalling to Werper’s attention the identity which the latter evidently had failed to recognize.

Pleading that he was but a harmless hunter from a tribe further south, Mugambi begged to be allowed to go upon his way; but Abdul Mourak, admiring the warrior’s splended physique, decided to take him back to Adis Abeba and present him to Menelek.  A few moments later Mugambi and Werper were marched away under guard, and the Belgian learned for the first time, that he too was a prisoner rather than a guest.  In vain he protested against such treatment, until a strapping soldier struck him across the mouth and threatened to shoot him if he did not desist.

Mugambi took the matter less to heart, for he had not the slightest doubt but that during the course of the journey he would find ample opportunity to elude the vigilance of his guards and make good his escape.  With this idea always uppermost in his mind, he courted the good opinion of the Abyssinians, asked them many questions about their emperor and their country, and evinced a growing desire to reach their destination, that he might enjoy all of the good things which they assured him the city of Adis Abeba contained.  Thus he disarmed their suspicions, and each day found a slight relaxation of their watchfulness over him.

By taking advantage of the fact that he and Werper always were kept together, Mugambi sought to learn what the other knew of the whereabouts of Tarzan, or the authorship of the raid upon the bungalow, as well as the fate of Lady Greystoke; but as he was confined to the accidents of conversation for this information, not daring to acquaint Werper with his true identity, and as Werper was equally anxious to conceal from the world his part in the destruction of his host’s home and happiness, Mugambi learned nothing – at least in this way.

So, what about the jewels?  Abdul Mourak must have been a fool not to search Werper carefully for weapons or spoil.  So, does he now have the jewels?  Let’s see.
But there came a time when he learned a very surprising thing, by accident.

The party had camped early in the afternoon of a sultry day, upon the banks of a clear and beautiful stream.  The bottom of the river was gravelly, there was no indication of crocodiles, those menaces to promiscuous bathing in the rivers of certain portions of the dark continent, and so the Abyssinians took advantage of the opportunity to perform long-deferred, and much needed, ablutions.

As Werper, who, with Mugambi, had been given permission to enter the water, removed his clothing, the black noted the care with which he unfastened something which circled his waist, and which he took off with his shirt, keeping this latter always around and concealing the object of his suspicious solicitude.

It was this very carefulness which attracted the black’s attention to the thing, arousing a natural curiosity in the warrior’s mind, and so it chanced that when the Belgian, in the nervousness of overcaution, fumbled the hidden article and dropped it.  Mugambi saw it as it fell upon the ground, spilling a portion of its contents on the sward.

Yes, it looks like Abdul Mourak was a fool.  Can you believe they did not search him once he discovered that he was their prisoner?  Oh, well, the jungle has no limitations on the amount of idiots who enter therein.
 Now Mugambi had been to London with his master.  He was not the unsophisticated savage that his apparel proclaimed him.  He had mingled with the cosmopolitan hordes of the greatest city in the world; he had visited museums and inspected shop windows; and, besides, he was a shrewd and intelligent man.

The instant that the jewels of Opar rolled, scintillating, before his astonished eyes, he recognized them for what they were; but he recognized something else, too, that interested him far more deeply than the value of the stones.  A thousand times he had seen the leathern pouch which dangled at his master’s side, when Tarzan of the Apes had, in a spirit of play and adventure, elected to return for a few hours to the primitive manners and customs of his boyhood, and surrounded by his naked warriors hunt the lion and the leopard, the buffalo and the elephant after the manner he loved best.

Werper saw that Mugambi had seen the pouch and the stones.  Hastily he gathered up the precious gems and returned them to their container, while Mugambi, assuming an air of indifference, strolled down to the river for his bath.

The following morning Abdul Mourak was enraged and chagrined to discover that his huge, black prisoner had escaped during the night, while Werper was terrified for the same reason, until his trembling fingers discovered the pouch still in its place beneath his shirt, and within it the hard outlines of its contents.

Have you kept track of the jewels of Opar?  Like I said, ERB is playing three card monte here, so be careful.  Meanwhile, back to the bungle in the jungle.

XVI:  Tarzan Again Leads the Mangani

Achmet Zek with two of his followers had circled far to the south to intercept the flight of his deserting lieutenant, Werper.  Others had spread out in various directions, so that a vast circle had been formed by them during the night, and now they were beating in toward the center.

Achmet Zek and the two with him halted for a short rest just before noon.  Theysquatted beneath the trees upon the southern edge of a clearing.  The chief of the raiders was in ill humor.  To have been outwitted by an unbeliever was bad enough; but to have, at the same time, lost the jewels upon which he had set his avaricious heart was altogether too much – Allah must, indeed, be angry with his servant.

Well, he still had the woman.  She would bring a fair price in the north, and there was, too, the buried treasure beside the ruins of the Englishman’s house.

A slight noise in the jungle upon the opposite side of the clearing brought Achmet Zek to immediate and alert attention.  He gathered his rifle in readiness for instant use, at the same time motioning his followers to silence and concealment.  Crouching behind bushes the three waited, their eyes fastened upon the far side of the open space.

Presently the foliage parted and a woman’s face appeared, glancing fearfully from side to side.  A moment later, evidently satisfied that no immediate danger lurked before her, she stepped out into the clearing in full view of the Arab.

Achmet Zek caught his breath with a muttered exclamation of incredulity and an imprecation.  The woman was the prisoner he had thought safely guarded at his camp!

Apparently she was alone, but Achmet Zek waited that he might make sure of it before seizing her.  Slowly Jane Clayton started across the clearing.  Twice already since she had quitted the village of the raiders had she barely escaped the fangs of carnivora, and once she had almost stumbled into the path of one of her searchers. Though she was almost despairing of ever reaching safety she still was determined to fight on, until death or success terminated her endeavors.

As the Arab watched her from the safety of their concealment, and Achmet Zek noted with satisfaction that she was walking directly into his clutches, another pair of eyes looked down upon the entire scene from the foliage of the adjacent tree.

Puzzled, troubled eyes they were, for all their gray and savage glint, for their owner was struggling with an intangible suggestion of the familiarity of the face and figure of the woman below him.

A sudden crashing of the bushes at the point from which Jane Clayton had emerged into the clearing brought her to a sudden stop and attracted the attention of the Arabs and the watcher in the tree to the same point.

The woman wheeled about to see what new danger menaced her from behind, and as she did so a great, anthropoid ape waddled into view.  Behind him came another and another; but Lady Greystoke did not wait to learn how many more of the hideous creatures were so close upon her trail.

With a smothered scream she rushed toward the opposite jungle, and as she reached the bushes there, Achmet Zek and his two henchmen rose up and seized her.  At the same instant a naked, brown giant dropped from the branches of a tree at the right of the clearing.

Turning toward the astonished apes he gave voice to a short volley of low gutterals, and without waiting to note the effect of his words upon them, wheeled and charged for the Arabs.

Achmet Zek was dragging Jane Clayton toward his tethered horse.  His two men were hastily unfastening all three mounts.  The woman struggling to escape the Arab, turned and saw the ape-man running toward her.  A glad light of hope illumined her face.

“John!” she cried.  “Thank God that you have come in time.”

Behind Tarzan came the great apes, wondering, but obedient to his summons.  The Arabs saw that they would not have time to mount and make their escape before the beasts and the man were upon him.  Achmet Zek recognized the latter as the redoubtable enemy of such as he, and he saw too in the circumstances an opportunity to rid himself forever of the menace of the ape-man’s presence.

Calling to his men to follow his example he raised his rifle and leveled it upon the charging giant.  His followers, acting with no less alacrity than himself, fired almost simultaneously, and with the reports of the rifles, Tarzan of the Apes and two of his hairy henchmen pitched forward among the jungle grasses.

The noise of the rifle shots brought the balance of the apes to a wondering pause, and, taking advantage of their momentary distraction, Achmet Zek and he fellows leaped to their horse’s backs and galloped away with the now hopeless and grief-stricken woman.

Back to the village they rode, and once again Lady Greystoke found herself incarcerated in the filthy, little hut from which she had thought to have escaped for good.  But this time she was not only guarded by an additional sentry, but bound as well.

Ah, another rape fantasy to oil the imagination of the readers.  A bondage scenario, the pulp fiction writers’ forte.  Tarzan’s animal army wasn’t very effective this time, but it was still fun to see it again.
Singly and in twos the searchers who had ridden out with Achmet Zek upon the trail of the Belgian, returned empty handed.  With the report of each the raider’s rage and chagrin increased, until he was in such a transport of ferocious anger that none dared approach him.  Threatening and cursing, Achmet Zek paced up and down the floor of his silken tent; but his temper served him naught – Werper was gone and with him the fortune in scintillating gems which had aroused the cupidity of his chief and placed the sentence of death upon the head of his lieutenant.

With the escape of the Arabs the great apes had turned their attention to their fallen comrades.  One was dead, but another and the great white ape still breathed.  The hairy monsters gathered about these two, grumbling and muttering after the fashion of their kind.

Tarzan was the first to regain consciousness.  Sitting up, he looked about him.  Blood was flowing from a wound in his shoulder.  The shock had thrown him down and dazed him; but he was far from dead.  Rising slowly to his feet he let his eyes wander toward the spot where last he had seen the she, who had aroused within his savage breast such strange emotions.

“Where is she?” he asked.

“The Tarmangani took her away,” replied one of the apes.  “Who are you who speak the language of the Mangani?”

“I am Tarzan,” replied the ape-man; “mighty hunter, greatest of fighters.  When I roar, the jungle is silent and trembles with terror.  I am Tarzan of the Apes.  I have been away; but now I have come back to my people.”

“Yes,” spoke up an old ape, “he is Tarzan.  I know him.  It is well that he has come back.  Now we shall have good hunting.”

The other apes came closer and sniffed at the ape-man.  Tarzan stood very still, his fangs half bared, and his muscles tense and ready for action; but there was none there to question his right to be with them, and presently, the inspection satisfactorily concluded, the apes again returned their attention to the other survivor.

He too was but slightly wounded, a bullet, grazing his skull, having stunned him, so that when he regained consciousness he was apparently as fit as ever.

The apes told Tarzan that they had been traveling toward the east when the scent spoor of the she had attracted them and they had stalked her.  Now they wished to continue upon their interrupted march; but Tarzan preferred to follow the Arabs and take the woman from them.  After a considerable argument it was decided that they should first hunt toward the east for a few days and then return and search for the Arabs, and as time is of little moment to the ape folk, Tarzan acceded to their demands, he himself, having reverted to a mental state but little superior to their own.

Another circumstance which decided him to postpone pursuit of the Arabs was the painfulness of his wound.  It would be better to wait until that had healed before he pitted himself again against the guns of the Tarmangani.

And so, as Jane Clayton was pushed into her prison hut and her hands and feet securely bound, her natural protector roamed off toward the east in company with a score of hairy monsters, with whom he rubbed shoulders as familiarly as a few months before he had mingled with his immaculate fellow members of one of London’s most select and exclusive clubs.

But all the time there lurked in the back of his injured brain a troublesome conviction that he had no business where he was – that he should be, for some unaccountable reason, elsewhere and among another sort of creature.  Also, there was the compelling urge to be upon the scent of the Arabs, undertaking the rescue of the woman who had appealed so strongly to his sentiments; though the thought-word which naturally occurred to him in the contemplation of the venture, was “capture,” rather than “rescue.”

To him she was as any other jungle she, and he had set his heart upon her as his mate.  For an instant, as he had approached closer to her in the clearing where the Arabs had seized her, the subtle aroma which had first aroused his desires in the hut that had imprisoned her had fallen upon his nostrils, and told him that he had found the creature for whom he had developed so sudden and inexplicable a passion.

The matter of the pouch of jewels also occupied his thoughts to some extent, so that he found a double urge for his return to the camp of the raiders.  He would obtain possession of both his pretty pebbles and the she.  Then he would return to the great apes with his new mate and his baubles, and leading his hairy companions into a far wilderness beyond the ken of man, live out his life, hunting and battling among the lower orders after the only manner which he now recollected.

He spoke to his fellow-apes upon the matter, in an attempt to persuade them to accompany him; but all except Taglat and Chulk refused.  The latter was young and strong, endowed with a greater intelligence than his fellows, and therefore the possessor of better developed powers of imagination.  To him the expedition savored of adventure, and so appealed, strongly.  With Taglat there was another incentive – a secret and sinister incentive, which, had Tarzan of the Apes had knowledge of it, would have sent him at the other’s throat in jealous rage.

Taglat was no longer young; but he was still a formidable beast, mightily muscled, cruel, and because of his greater experience, crafty and cunning.  Too, he was of giant proportions, the very weight of his huge bulk serving ofttimes to discount in his favor the superior agility of a younger antagonist.

He was of a morose and sullen disposition that marked him even among his frowning fellows, where such characteristics are the rule rather than the exception, and, though Tarzan did not guess it, he hated the ape-man with a ferocity that he was able to hide only because the dominant spirit of the nobler creature had inspired within him a species of dread which was as powerful as it was inexplicable to him.

These two, then, were to be Tarzan’s companions upon his return to the village of Achmet Zek.  As they set off, the balance of the tribe vouchsafed them but a parting stare, and then resumed the serious busines of feeding.

Tarzan found difficulty in keeping the minds of his fellows set upon the purpose of their adventure, for the mind of an ape lacks the power of long-sustained concentration. To set out upon a long journey, with a definite destination in view, is one thing, to remember that purpose and keep it uppermost in one’s mind continually in quite another. There are so many things to distract one’s attention along the way.

Chulk was, at first, for rushing rapidly ahead as though the village of the raiders lay but an hour’s march before them instead of several days; but within a few minutes a fallen tree attracted his attention with its suggestion of rich and succulent forage beneath, and when Tarzan, missing him, returned to search, he found Chulk squatting beside the rotting bole, from beneath which he was assiduously engaged in digging out the grubs and beetles, whose kind form a considerable proportion of the diet of the apes.

This was a theme ERB approached over and over again in his jungle tales, knowing this kind of humor appealed to his audience.  In fact, like most of his readers, he found these small diversions hilarious.
Unless Tarzan desired to fight there was nothing to do but wait until Chulk had exhausted the storehouse, and this he did, only to discover that Taglat was now missing.  After a considerable search, he found that worthy gentleman contemplating the sufferings of an injured rodent he had pounced upon.  He would sit in apparent indifference, gazing in another direction, while the crippled creature wriggled slowly and painfully away from him, and then, just as his victim felt assured of escape, he would reach out a giant palm and slam it down upon the fugitive.  Again and again he repeated this operation, until, tiring of the sport, he ended the sufferings of his plaything by devouring it.

Such were the exasperating causes of delay which retarded Tarzan’s return journey toward the village of Achmet Zek; but the ape-man was patient, for in his mind was a plan which necessitated the presence of Chulk and Taglat when he should have arrived at his destination.

It was not always an easy thing to maintain in the vacillating minds of the anthropoids a sustained interest in their venture.  Chulk was wearying of the continued marching and the infrequency and short duration of the rests.  He would gladly have abandoned this search for adventure had not Tarzan continually filled his mind with alluring pictures of the great stores of food which were to be found in the village of the Tarmangani.

Taglat nursed his secret purpose to better advantage than might have been expected of an ape; yet there were times when he, too, would have abandoned the adventure had not Tarzan cajoled him on.

It was mid-afternoon of a sultry, tropical day when the keen senses of the three warned them of the proximity of the Arab camp.  Stealthily they approached, keeping to the dense tangle of growing things which made concealment easy to their uncanny jungle craft.

First came the giant ape-man, his smooth, brown skin glistening with the sweat of exertion in the close, hot confines of the jungle.  Behind him crept Chulk and Taglat, grotesque and shaggy caricatures of their godlike leader.

Silently they made their way to the edge of the clearing which surrounded the palisade, and here they clambered into the lower branches of a large tree overlooking the village occupied by the enemy, the better to spy upon his goings and comings.

A horseman, white burnoosed, rode out through the gateway of the village.  Tarzan, whispering to Chulk and Taglat to remain where they were, swung, monkey-like, through the trees in the direction of the trail the Arab was riding.  From one jungle giant to the next he sped with the rapidity of a squirrel and the silence of a ghost.

The Arab rode slowly onward, unconscious of the danger hovering in the trees behind him.  The ape-man made a slight detour and increased his speed until he had reached a point upon the trail in advance of the horseman.  Here he halted upon a leafy bough which overhung the narrow, jungle trail.  On came the victim, humming a wild air of the great desert land of the north.  Above him poised the savage brute, that was today bent upon the destruction of a human life – the same creature who a few months before, had occupied his seat in the House of Lords in London, a respected and distinguished member of that august body.

The Arab passed beneath the overhanging bough, there was a slight rustling of the leaves above, the horse snorted and plunged as a brown-skinned creature dropped upon his rump.  A pair of mighty arms encircled the Arab and he was dragged from his saddle to the trail.

Ten minutes later the ape-man, carrying the outer garments of an Arab bundled beneath an arm, rejoined his companions.  He exhibited his trophies to them, explaining in low gutterals the details of his exploit.  Chulk and Taglat fingered the fabrics, smelled of them, and, placing them to their ears, tried to listen to them.

Then Tarzan led them back through the jungle to the trail, where the three hid themselves and waited.  Nor had they long to wait before two of Achmet Zek’s blacks, clothed in habiliments similar to their master’s came down the trail on foot, returning to the camp.

One moment they were laughing and talking together – the next they lay stretched in death upon the trail, three mighty engines of destruction bending over them.  Tarzan removed their outer garments as he had removed those of his first victim, and again retired with Chulk and Taglat to the greater seclusion of the tree they had first selected.
Here the ape-man arranged the garments upon his shaggy fellows and himself, until, at a distance, it might have appeared that three white-robed Arabs squatted silently among the branches of the forest.

Until dark they remained where they were, for from the point of vantage, Tarzan could view the enclosure within the palisade.  He marked the position of the hut in which he had first discovered the scent spoor of the she he sought.  He saw the two sentries standing before its doorway, and he located the habitation of Achmet Zek, where something told him he would most likely find the missing pouch and pebbles.

Do the readers still know where they are?  The last we were told, I believe, is that they were still in the possession of Werper, while a doubt remains because Mugambi may have stealthily recovered them.
Chulk and Taglat were, at first, greatly interested in their wonderful raiment.  They fingered the fabric, smelled of it, and regarded each other intently with every mark of satisfaction and pride.  Chulk, a humorist in his way, stretched forth a long and hairy arm, and grasping the hood of Taglat’s burnoose pulled it down over the latter’s eyes, extinguishing him, snuffer-like, as it were.

The older ape, pessimistic by nature, recognized no such thing as humor.  Creatures laid  their paws upon him for but two things – to search for fleas and to attack.  The pulling of the Tarmangani-scented thing about his head and eyes could not be for the performance of the former act; therefore it must be the latter.  He was attacked!  Chulk had attacked him.

With a snarl he was at the other’s throat, not even waiting to lift the woolen veil which obscured his vision.  Tarzan leaped upon the two, and swaying and toppling upon their insecure perch the three great beasts tussled and snapped at one another until the ape-man finally succeeded in separating the enraged anthropoids.

An apology is unknown to these savage progenitors of man, and explanation a laborious and unusually futile process, Tarzan bridged the dangerous gulf by distracting their attention from their altercation to a consideration of their plans for the immediate future.  Accustomed to frequent arguments in which more than hair than blood is wasted, the apes speedily forgot such trivial encounters, and presently Chulk and Taglat were again squatting in close proximity to each other and peaceful repose, awaiting the moment when the ape-man should lead them into the village of the Tarmangani.

It was long after darkness had fallen, that Tarzan led his companions from their hiding place in the tree to the ground and around the palisade to the far side of the village.
Gathering the skirts of his burnoose, beneath one arm, that his legs might have free action, the ape-man took a short running start, and scrambled to the top of the barrier.  Fearing lest the apes should rend their garments to shreds in a similar attempt, he had directed them to wait below for him, and himself securely perched upon the summit of the palisade he unslung his spear and lowered one end of it to Chulk.

The ape seized it, and while Tarzan held tightly to the upper end, the anthropoid climbed quickly up the shaft until with one paw he grasped the top of the wall.  To scramble then to Tarzan’s side was the work of but an instant.  In like manner Taglat was conducted to their sides, and a moment later the three dropped silently within the enclosure.
Tarzan led them first to the rear of the hut in which Jane Clayton was confined, where, through the roughly repaired aperture in the wall, he sought with his sensitive nostrils for proof that the she he had come for was within.

Chulk and Taglat, their hairy faces pressed close to that of the patrician, sniffed with him.  Each caught the scent spoor of the woman within, and each reacted according to his temperament and his habits of thought.

It left Chalk indifferent.  The she was for Tarzan – all that he desired was to bury his snout in the foodstuffs of the Tarmangani.  He had come to eat his fill without labor – Tarzan had told him that that should be his reward, and he was satisfied.

But Taglat’s wicked, bloodshot eyes, narrowed to the realization of the nearing fulfillment of his carefully nursed plan.  It is true that sometimes during the several days that had elapsed since they had set out upon their expedition it had been difficult for Taglat to hold his idea uppermost in his mind, and on several occasions he had completely forgotten it, until Tarzan, by a chance word, had recalled it to him, but, for an ape, Taglat had done well.

Now, he licked his chops, and made a sickening, sucking noise with flabby lips as he drew in his breath.

Satisfied that the she was where he had hoped to find her, Tarzan led his apes toward the tent of Achmet Zek.  A passing Arab and two slaves saw them, but the night was dark and the white burnooses hid the hairy limbs of the apes and the giant figure of their leader, so that the three, by squatting down as though in conversation, were passed by, unsuspected.  To the rear of the tent they made their way.  Within, Achmet Zek conversed with several of his lieutenants.  Without, Tarzan listened.

Well, of course, this is where this chapter ends.  Again we will have to wait to discover the ending of Tarzan’s adventures with Chulk and Taglat, the classic comedy duo.  What’s next, you might ask?  Well, the next chapter is called, “The Deadly Peril of Jane Clayton.”  See you then.


Read Along with Woodrow Edgar Nichols, Jr.
ERBzine 7021
Ch. 1
ERBzine 7021a
Ch. 2
ERBzine 7021b
Ch. 3
ERBzine 7021c
Ch. 4
ERBzine 7022
Ch. 5
ERBzine 7022a
Ch. 6
ERBzine 7022b
Ch. 7
ERBzine 7022c
Ch. 8
ERBzine 7023
Ch. 9
ERBzine 7023a
Ch. 10
ERBzine 7023b
Ch. 11
ERBzine 7023c
Ch. 12
Read the ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography Entry

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Woodrow Edgar Nichols, Jr.

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