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Part I
By Cristian Sildan

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Well hello again after almost a decade or so, fellow ERB fans!

It has taken a pandemic for me to find the time and the mood to write again!

Truth is, I’ve always had the ambition to do a symbolist analysis of Tarzan the Terrible, similar to the one I did for Tarzan and the City of Gold. I’ve realized that the first is even better than the latter. But after re-reading it two times, I also realized this time it wouldn’t be as easy as it was for TCG, for its symbolism is much subtler. It would have required me to delve really seriously on many heavy books and so, since I didn’t have the time or the labor itch, I just renounced. And since I really wanted to continue my ERBologist work by doing the Tarzan the Terrible, my block on this idea stopped me from all endeavors of the sort.

But these few months, I decided to go back to ERB without necessarily passing through TtT.

And since we are in a special situation, the mood I’m talking about is different.  This time I’m not going the way I usually went in my older essays with the objective of proving the Opus of the Master somehow believable. This time I’m going to attack the opus, and then find it some saving possibilities. So the thinking goes like this: some of the concepts carried by the opus just don’t make much sense as they contradict each-other, or what we know of human functioning (whether socially or individually), therefore the big question is: Is ERB just making things up as he goes on with his writing, or does he say the truth but gets it significantly wrong? (we’re still playing here with the idea that everything might have some truth in it, it’s more interesting like this…)

In order to do that, I’ve re-read the whole list of books of the Barsoom cycle, with a most critical eye.

And I’ve also taken into account what the other barsoomologists of high value like our friends Den Valdron, Johnson, Nichols or others have had to say on these matters, if they did.


As I just said, I’m going to hunt for contradictions and problems, and for that purpose we’ll start with naming the references, in order for the less informed readers to understand better what I’m talking about:

POMPrincess of Mars, chapters 1-28
GOMGods of Mars, chapters 1-22
WOMWarlord of Mars, chapters 1-16
TMMThuvia maid of Mars, chapters 1-14
COMChessmen of Mars, chapters 1-22
MMMMaster Mind of Mars, chapters 1-15
SMMSynthetic Men of Mars, chapters 1-31
FMMA Fighting Man of Mars, chapters 1-17
SOMSwords of Mars, chapters 1-24
LOGLlana of Gathol, books 1-4
JCMJohn Carter of Mars, Giant , chapters 1-14; Skeletons , chapters 1-9

And now the elements that bear importance for my analysis. Some chapters don’t have any, some have more, some less. I won’t make a resume out of the whole Opus, I’m just going to name the parts I want to address. So, here it goes:

POMPrincess of Mars

C1-C3 John Carter (JC from now on) is introduced and goes to Barsoom. Many problems and mysteries concerning him and his trip, but these don’t bother me here. It’s not the metaphysical/preternatural stuff that bugs me.

C4 – a bit of demography and religion, but only for the Green Men; Iss pilgrimage first mentioned

C10 – atmosphere factory mentioned

C11 – Orovars mentioned, though not by name; the other races too, believed extinct; the old mixing leading to the formation of the Red Men; men don’t kill women, even among Greens
The old catastrophe 100,000 years ago; the old cities; the pilgrimage and the penalty for those who return; Korus, Dor mentioned
The Barsoomian telescopes see even the blades of grass on Earth .

C13 – Radium use mentioned.

C17 – Dejah Thoris is the last of her line

C20 – the atmosphere factory appears and is described; the massive use of all sorts of ‘’rays’’ in the Barsoomian economy, science and society;
The system of lease of the agricultural domains to the nobility; surprising welcome for a stranger; slave labor and state ownership of farms and mines; high celibacy tax; John Carter given personal credentials from the Ptor family

C21 – root irrigation; refinement of food; the Zodangan population against a war of expansion, admiration for the enemy, many against their own ruler; no theft upon Barsoom, but much assassination; radium and rays used for flight; jeddaks prefer death and disaster to dishonor; Dejah ready to marry the enemy to save her country; first flight was 900+ years ago; many ships used for transport and travel; jeddaks very easy going about giving confidential jobs to barely known people

C22 – Dejah appears radiant; the jeddaks of Zodanga don’t appear expansionist either, apparently; but shortly afterwards she looks miserable; custom not to wed the husband’s killer
Psychologist so good that he can question the recent memories of the dead, but cannot penetrate the thoughts of a closed mind

C23 – even simple subjects prefer death to dishonor; jeddak quite cozy about imparting vital secrets to barely known people

C24 – no guards at the walls of Zodanga

C11,C24 – Dejah flushes – means the red skin is not that red

GOMGods of Mars,

C1 – Barsoomian paradise shown as it really is

C2 – about 1300m seems to be the high altitude of the mountains upon Barsoom, about 1800m for the Otz mountains

C3 – Therns first mentioned, first shown; Issus first mentioned; JC appears to have the concept of the Temple of Issus – but it was never mentioned in POM

C4 – Therns use slaves made from the pilgrims, and apparently only from them; even though first time mentioned, they are spoken of as if well known; but they are known only as sorts of gods, they are never seen
Their secret network of temples; Holy Therns have jewels like the personnel of the Air Factory

C5 – Therns very caste-like, one of lesser rank does not check his superior without complicated protocol and very serious reason; Therns respect – maybe worship - banths
Black pirates first mentioned, Therns fear them

C6 – JC never saw them, never talked to one who saw them; they appear only at long intervals; but their raids to the Therns take place more than once a year, regularly; Therns are apparently at their mercy; slaves and loot are taken in the raids

C7 – Black supremacy

C8 – Therns are cannibals, do not work; the hidden sea of Omean; Blacks apparently supply the water of the planet

C9 – Blacks appear to have plenty of slaves
Apparently both Therns and Blacks swim in gold and diamonds

C10 – Blacks are not telepaths

C11 – the Blacks are even more dependent upon slave labor than the Therns; again it is specified some slaves are from jeddak families

C13 – confirmation that the Therns are never seen by the public; Blacks loot everything they need, including the royal houses; flier confirmed stolen from Helium; blacks mass-kill their wives; hint of possible immortality for Barsoomians

C17 – the Zodangan nobility is behind the Heliumite jed, and quite influential, despite the annexation of Zodanga by Helium

C20 – Barsoomians good at deciphering stuff; JC forgets the Martian year is 687day long

WOMWarlord of Mars

C1 – Carthoris is the interim jeddak; Xodar jeddak of the Blacks but under Thark occupation; Therns still ruled by Matai Shang from the shadows
There are polities still loyal to the old faith

C3 – door actuated by photoelectrical mechanism

C4 - 6 nations still cling to the old faith

C5 – generally no trade between nations; the Kaolians know how the Therns look; roads and canals defended by nobles; guy from Kaol is skeptical of the old religion, Kaol has no navy and is defended by trees; big control at the gates of the cities

C6 - occasional alliance between some nations; the jeddak of Kaol knows personally the Thern and the Black; the caravan-embassy of Ptarth in the tens of thousands of members (and uses animals for transport, not fliers; women and kids present); described as ''social, pleasure-loving people’’

C7 – information appears to travel very difficultly upon Barsoom, even if we’re talking the fall of the Iss cult; there appears to be a Thern leader allied to JC
more than 16 years between the visits among the jeddaks of Ptarth and Kaol, since the Kaolian saw Thuvia before she took the pilgrimage, and 16 years passed since

C8 - who goes North disappears, it is a forbidden land; the apt is sacred to the Yellow Men
The glass cities of the North; no fliers but gliding cars; their own atmosphere factory; Kadabra appears to be much bigger than Helium at about 26 km in radius (100 miles circumference)
little intercourse between the cities of the same nation; the magnetic pillar

C10 - again plenty of elite Red prisoners in Okar
JC is easy to get jealous of Dejah or to doubt her, apparently; but then so is Thuvan with his own daughter

C11 - chains of gold

C14 - Red women are not trained for war

C15 - Whites seem to keep the lowest profile of all races

C16 – there appear to be about 40 jeds and jeddaks on Barsoom; Helium appears to have about 8 miles (13km) in radius; JC seems also easy to be made to doubt his friends

TMMThuvia Maid of Mars

C1 - Issus still mentioned as divinity
Thuvia a maid (again?...)
peace and trade between Ptarth and Dusar; fear that a war would upset the balance of power
electronic-like stuff for navigating the fliers, quite complicated

C2 - there are several ambassadors in a capital, their offices are in one building, but each has his palace;
very bourgeois, high-tech and busy image of Helium
c1 and c2 - quite easy to enter service in a Big House

C6 – Lothar so old, but still has a language that is intelligible to present Barsoomians
The Cult of Komal – but Komal appears to be real enough, to the point of being killed

C12 – men don’t kill women even in extremity, unless the situation is really exceptional
Some noble girls commit suicide rather than to wed the jeddak of Dusar; Dusar fears annihilation

C13 – Therns openly travel and mingle with the Reds
Okar and Omean allied to JC
Black fleet second to the one of Helium; even the Dusarian spy hesitates to kill a woman
Kar Komak can materialize fighters

COMChessmen of Mars

Prelude – JC taught how to materialize upon Earth by Kar Komak

C1 – Carthoris friend with Talu; little protocol at the Heliumite court and little rank differentiation in it; bodyguards guard women from assassins; men and women mingle relatively freely at parties
Little interaction between polities – Tara never saw a Gatholian; the dances upon Barsoom are stately
Slaves work the mines for the citizens

C2 - Carefree attitude in the family of JC; JC mentions that many wars were fought for Dejah
7 dead by assassination, per day, in Greater  Helium
A madman wanted to harm the atmosphere factory; the Therns spiritualize Issus; Dusar has not been punished and is still hostile
The single storm mentioned in the Barsoomian opus

C3 – Issus again mentioned, by a soldier

C4 – the Kaldanes have lightbulbs, telepathy

C8 – unnamed gods repeatedly mentioned

C11 – children among the mummies of Manator
Manator has lightbulbs; simple greetings are universal; brazen flight of words between Tara and the Jeddak, who has no much respect for her even if she’s of high rank; Manatorians capture slaves from Gathol every 3-7 years; a million slaves

C12 – Martians don’t lie; belief in corphals; jetan with live pieces but not necessarily to the death except if criminals or condemned; some jeds are very independent towards their jeddaks; long dynasty tied to ancestor worship, but jeds have the power to choose the jeddak

C14 - Fliers easy to destabilize by courants due to mountains and precipices
Large scale elimination of throne rivals; any accused can have counsel even in front of the jeddak
Iss mentioned
A captured princess becomes a slave and has a son with the jeddak, then she’s sent away and weds the rival jed; information flows difficultly, the jeddak is not aware of this

C15 – the throne of the Jeddak is held at the pleasure of the jeds; nobles, once accused, can be judged only by the counsel of the jeds; but powerful jeddaks can override this
All men seem very naïve and easy to destabilize sentimentally
I-Gos 2000 years old
Council of mummies

C18 – the father of Gahan was assassinated; Tasor wed an adulterous princess who arranged the assassination of her husband; O-Mai dead 5000 years ago

C20 – I-Gos goes in the haunted chamber; Gahan is an agnostic; the jeddak still scared to death to go there; blonde hair of the holy Therns mentioned; Issus mentioned

C21 – I-Gos goes again in the chamber but the jeddak does the same and faints; the older women of the harem hate and kill the new ones

C22 – any can accuse the jeddak openly, if there is proof
Coward jeddak must commit suicide; 1 year reported to have passed since the beginning of the adventure

MMMMaster Mind of Mars

Pr – Paxton travels to Barsoom through death in the battlefield

C1 – the architecture of the castle of Ras Thavas is similar to the one of medieval Europe; otherwise spires, domes and minarets usually mentioned on Barsoom; the organs of the Barsoomians are not exactly the same as ours

C3 – all people armed, slaves and women included – yeah, a short dagger
Toonolians are practical people, their high classes are atheist, the masses less so, tradition is still cultivated for the sake of the social order
Barsoomian telepaths sensed refined thought waves from Mercury and Venus – yeah Amtor
Ras 1000+years of age, looks old, near death; Valla Dia preserved for 10 years "not to get old"

C4 – a war was fought for Valla Dia

C5 - telepathy is mentioned, and the lack of trust going with it – therefore if the Barsoomians are close they know everything about each-other
Duhor was at war with Helium and Amhor; Amhor with Phundahl; Valla Dia an only child; possibility to transmit the throne through the female line by marrying a local jed ; apparently, the jeddak of Duhor kept his throne despite the war with Helium and the sack by Amhor

C6 – Paxton’s trick to hide Valla Dia

C7 – Gor Hajus is an assassin but always kills by duel, and never women; Toonol and Phundahl are isolated from each-other and the rest of the world; the castle of Ras Thavas was built 23,000 years ago

C9 - Individual flying devices; no freedom to fly at night

C10 – princes have big individual palaces; small amount of protocol mentioned; apparently the jeddak has no kids, his nephew prince is next in line; possibility of alliance between prince and assassin, for the assassin is popular with the army
Panthans are adventurers or fugitives; anyway, they are not conformists.
Cellphones and photocopy mentioned, Barsoomians catch radio signals from Earth
War as natural state of existence; Toonolians sort of libertarians/contractualists. But hypocrites and fanatics of science

C11 – Phundahl has small navy. Landing there is extremely easy for our heroes
Cult of Tur, Tur solar god
Phundahlians are puritans who deny sex exists. Flat-marsists, anti-science
Kids again mentioned

C12 – the trick with the statue; little respect of the priests for the religion and the jeddara

C13 - 3000 people in the palace; things discovered compromising great houses, secrets unknown even to the jeddara; Xaxa arrives in a chariot moved by banths – she’s a priestess also
100 years since the trickster priest died
Dar Tarus’ fiancée’s father assassinated by Xaxa

C14 - No guards at the castle of Ras Thavas despite the Toonolian soldiers being actually present

C15 – JC, vigilante of Mars, redresser of wrongs

FMMA Fighting Man of Mars

Prologue – Morse received upon Barsoom, Paxton deciphers it; human Martians not very different from the Anglo-saxon physical standards except for the colors; they are tribal, ruled by jeds ruled by jeddaks
Army is mostly air navy; they have the cult of war, but otherwise happy and social people
Fight for resources

C1 insistence upon how ‘’poor’’ Tan Hadron is; his father is the equivalent of a low-rank general/admiral
"more profitable career" than army possible for young nobles; agriculture and mines state-owned with the possibility of them being leased
Sil Vagis – there are cowards with connections in the army
Insistence on the fortune of the father of Sanoma Tora – comparable to the jeddak’s
Ancestors repeatedly mentioned
Hadron alternates between a desire to kidnap and the refusal to kidnap the girl
The Jaharian ambassador is quite impertinent

C2 – Tavia’s dad made slave from a raid during the war between Helium and Kobol; her mom assassinated while Tavia kidnapped; photocopy mention; towers and domes as staples of Barsoomian architecture
Scientific strides lately; no more ‘’rays’’ mentioned (except for buoyancy) but magnetic energy from the magnetic field

C3 – 0.5-1 million year old ruins
Old civilization knew electricity, before ‘’radium’’
Atmosphere factory built by Red men; Hadron guest of Tars Tarkas, they hunted apes together

C4 – telepathy directed at thoats; arena games for spies in Jahar; no aliens other than slaves

C5 – Tjanath; ancestors mentioned; our heroes are condemned go to the arena or to the Death; the jed of Tjanath is a paranoid loser, the jeddak of Jahar a tyrant, who kills those close to the throne; Jahar is a demographic bomb, the nobles are a bit better treated, can keep family structure; cannibalism, militarism
Phor Tak made big discoveries but was persecuted afterwards

C6 – jed of Tjanath poorer than a big noble of Helium
Jed has both an infant son and a big son
Ancestors’ intercession mentioned often; Issus mentioned; Phao raped

C7 - Yo Seno easily outwits the heroes; nobody investigated the Death all this time; Nur An not aware of the hoax of the Iss cult; the big lizard

C8 – jed of Ghasta, one of the very few hairy Barsoomians mentioned
Apparently some still return from Dor?

C9 – the mad Thuria, cold Cluros the husband, the flaming sun lover; Phor Tak is old; Hadron feels guided by his ancestors
 ‘’towers, domes and minarets’’ again mentioned as typical of Barsoomian architecture

C10 – big inventions; fliers very common on Barsoom

C11 – Issus repeatedly mentioned including by Hadron; he lies he’s an assassin; Corphals briefly mentioned

C12 – very easy taking hostage of the jed; the jeddara cheats with a slave; ship gone with the wind

C13 – prayer to ancestors mentioned; huge harem, eunuchs; Tul Axtar is old

C14 – ancestors again mentioned; long term cannibalism in U-Gor

C15 - No ruins in U-Gor; Issus still invoked when one is in face of death; Tul Axtar incredibly coward

SOMSwords of Mars

C1 – Zodanga still hostile to Helium; assassins and kidnapers have guilds, there’s Omerta going on; the assassins have a glorious image in society
Moons of Mars described as we know them, small; JC disguises himself with the paint
Hasty preparation of the mission
Women are generally killed by their husbands

C2 – the sleazy part of town

C3 – simple trick in order to enter the assassins’ lair

C5 – space ship with mechanical brain ordered by thought waves, created in personal lab

C6 – Fal Sivas discloses his plans very easily

C8 – lonely small noble girls easy to kidnap; her father dead in war, the mother took the pilgrimage

C10 – relatively easy capture of the most well regarded woman on Barsoom

C12,15 – Thuria shrinks the people who approach it; geographical features very visible, it’s a great world, with vast landscapes; Issus mentioned by a Heliumite

C16 – they find immediately the other ship; the Tarid castle

C17 - splendor of the gems even greater than upon Barsoom; the cat-man

C18 – the Tarids and their suggestion of invisibility; white, they age, they have no modern technical devices; worship the ASTERS – the Sun is a fire god, the prince is the son of the fire god

C20 – the Tarid prince kidnaps and discards queens even if he has a small people; terror and hatred and assassinate among Tarids, even if only a handful of them are left

C24 – chief assassin swears fidelity to JC; the trip to Domnia takes days, other states also exist; Fal Sivas can call the ship from Barsoom

SMMSynthetic Men of Mars

C2 – 100 year old hero, and still quite naïve and unwed

C3 – synthetic men

C4 – Janai is from Amhor which qualifies as a small city; yet it sacks Duhor which battles Helium at the time
Apparently the artificial tissue grows by itself, even without being alimented

C6 – first love for Vor Daj

C8 – apparently assassins are not very diplomatic

C13 – Vor Daj very unsure of women’s option; true, he’s a hormad now

C16 – Janai’s father assassinated by the jed

C24 – Amhor is small, reported to be the only city in the kingdom, and economically oriented on animal trade; but has a 26 ha palace plus other palaces for the nobles plus quite a busy car traffic

C25 - Vor Daj as Tor-dur-bar is accused of lying, but later Ur Raj thinks he has occult powers
Jal Had has a harem, is afraid his wife will employ an assassin, and he wants pay one to get rid of her, and is afraid of the assassin’s guild; invention of the device that identifies the motors after their vibration is mentioned

C26 – finally the jed kills his wife; revolution led by her cousins; naïve but successful plan of evasion

C30 – savages spotted again in the marshes; philosophy about how Earth will age as Mars
Incendiary bombs

LOGLlana of Gathol

B1 C1 JC knows Barsoom better than the Barsoomians
The Orovars and their eternal buildings

C2,C3 – Orovars still exist, 1 million years mentioned since the catastrophe
The language of the Orovars does not appear to be different from modern Barsoomian - not even as much as the Lotharian

C4 – Orovars used to be the masters of the planet, they were the builders of the atmosphere factory; Greens increased during the collapse

C5 –  jeddaks kill the potential enemies immediately after suspecting treason; the legend of the great embalmer and his living mummies

C7 – the great chivalry of Barsoomians is mentioned; high bred breed only with high bred – but honorability and bravery are assets as well

C8,9 – the preternatural-mentalist-living mummy; other living mummies; the royal family was very active in trade and navigation in the time of the Orovars

C10 – if a man offers his sword to a woman, her protector can fight him to the death if the homage is refused by her; Panar appears to be unknown even to Okar; no intercourse between Okar and the rest of Barsoom since JC went there
Panar seems backward and uncouth; but it seems the art of building hothouses is not only known to the Yellows. Anyway it’s quite low tech and rash; Hin Abtol has a harem and is a tyrant; Llana believes no fliers existed in the time of the Orovars

B2 c1 – the valley of Kamtol  is more than 3 km deep

C2 – radium bullets mentioned

C3 – general hostility towards aliens upon Barsoom mentioned

C5 – death in the arena possible for foreigners and slaves; the killing machine attuned to the nerve index of the whole population of Kamtol including the Blacks but except the jeddak; the inventor was killed; peoples would invade the valley if they knew about it

C6 – Kamtol has a jeddak, and nobles have their own palaces; JC is not recognized despite his white skin and grey eyes; panthans are almost the only ones with complete freedom of movement on Barsoom

C7 – Kamtol 200.000 inhabitants, 5% slaves; ‘’few kids’’, 1/3 men, 2/3 women and kids

C10 – apparently Blacks still raid Reds, or badly want to, anyway they are prepared for it; some Reds still believe them to be from the moon?

C11 – various social classes in Kamtol, not all nobles; money are different in each kingdom, but have the same value no matter the country; no assassins in Kamtol; Kamtolians don’t know JC

C12 – JC’s crazy bravado; the jeddak openly hits on someone else’s wife;  Llana escapes, one hair breadth, from rape, as female leads always do

B3 c1 – history of Gathol; it dates even from before the catastrophe and the vanishing of the oceans; has never fallen; biggest diamond mines on the planet, also dating from before the end of the oceans

C2 – ancestors’ care mentioned; Gatholians are no friends with the Blacks

C3 – Issus mentioned; Panars have obsolete ships but use equilibrimotors; still not able succeed in an air assault against Gathol

C4 – many panthans are political fugitives, many keep their identity secret

C5 – Issus mentioned by a Panar

C6 – Panars incredibly negligent

C7 – telepathy mentioned, not all people equally good at it; Panars are stupid, destructive, live from loot and rapine; they instant-enlist captive soldiers

C8 – veterans / deserters do orgies and kill officers and each-other;

C9 – there apparently was another war Tan Hadron was involved with brio, after Jahar and before LOG; prisoners are usually not killed upon Barsoom, but made slaves

C11 - Pankor similar to Okar but smaller, is not mentioned to be poor

C12 - people in suspended animation in ice; no navy, ships obtained by theft

C13 - JC insolent, he has a relatively easy entry in the palace and then escape

B4 C1 – JC again mentioned to not understand women; still enmity with Dusar, no relation - and no reprisals against it - TMM ''not so many years ago''

C2 - luxuriant forest of Invak, ''biggest trees'', delicious fruits; small polities are the most proud and obnoxious

C3 – the very straightforward and direct Invak girl

C4 - one of the Ptor brothers, doesn't recognize JC despite his skin and eyes; lunar goddess-mother and Issus mentioned; invisibility pill; another tyrant jeddak

C5 - JC very impertinent

C6 - Rojas very direct, very easily jealous without knowing anything about JC

C8 - Llana expected to commit suicide if dishonored

C10 - JC invincible

C11 - JC invisible

C13 - JC naive, Rojas very cozy with Dejah; very ready to find someone to marry
many Panars superstitious, less so Hin Abtol; Tan Hadron is forgotten from the action

JCOMJohn Carter of Mars
GIOM - Giant of Mars

C1 – JC and Dejah go through the forest alone by thoat; ''atomic gun'' ''ray gun'' mentioned

C2 – Dejah’s grandma once mentioned in POM (or rather her sorak); now implied dead

C3 - Joog about 130 feet/40-50m tall

C4 - preserved corpses... and rats; 3-legged rats; dancing rats; Korvas abandoned 1000 years ago

C5 – mention made of television and microphone planting at enemy house; Pew Mogel was made by Ras Thavas

C6 - Issus mentioned; story of Pew Mogel

C7 - Issus mentioned by Dejah; army of malagors and apes

C8 - JC is more paternalist than usual towards Dejah, Dejah is quite weak as a character; messages are sent by a malagor

C9 - Dejah much more emotional than usual; the civilization upon Barsoom said to be 50000 years old; Heliumite fleet tricked; Dejah at last closer to her usual self
Joog stops fleet

C11 - Dejah hyper-sensitive again

C12 - JC lands on Joog

C13 – the parachuting of 2000 rats


C1 - fall of Zor mentioned; apparently there’s still an Iss pilgrimage; Zorites among the guards of the palace
the Morgors and their invisible interplanetary ships, super-speedy at 23000km/min at least
another nudist sword-yielding culture

C2 - Morgors need collaborators

C3 - volcano-driven world; basaltic soil, basalt cities; animal and mechanical traffic; slavery for the humans
no art, no science except for the military matters

C5 - free areas upon Sasoom; Morgors very weak at sciences; Dejah very brave

C6 - extremely easy escape; again Dejah almost raped

C7 - JC again very impertinent

C8 - another supernaturally easy escape

C9 - invisible city; JC the hyper-optimist



ERBzine 7396
ERBzine 7397
ERBzine 7398

Barsoom Analysis Part I: Demography, Polity, Society and Economy
Barsoomian Analysis II: Sociology and Morality
Barsoomian Analysis III: Girl, Reconstructed
More Barsoomologist and Amtorianist  Musings
Tarzan and Nemone of the City of Gold
Pellucidarian Cogitations 
The Religion of Manator: A Sildan and Valdron Discussion
Interpretation of the Work of ERB

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