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The B&N John Carter of Mars Project

John Carter of Mars (Library of Wonder): A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, The Warlord of Mars
by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Thomas Yeates (Illustrator), Michael Ashley (Introduction)
Hardcover ~ 504 pages ~ $12.98 Membership discounts apply ~  Available at your local Barnes & Noble store or online.


This was my first time on the bosom of Iss,
and the things that I saw there will live forever in my memory. p376

The floor was completely covered by venomous snakes and loathsome reptiles. p391

Before us loomed a mighty fortress
buried beneath the side of an overhanging cliff. p398

Slowly the striken flyer sank to the ground. p409

It dropped quickly towards us. p414

It was indeed a most imposing sight. p422

Then I drew my sword and swung round, on guard, to face a nation. p426

The ape was our most consistent and dangerous foe. p434

Talu, Prince of Marentina. p443

That evening we came within sight of
the walled and glass-roofed city of Kadabra. p446

I recognized them --
they were Dejah Thoris and Thuvia of Ptarth. p454

Then I went down, fighting,
beneath a half-hundred warriors. p.462

The three of them were on me at once. p475

The face of him upon the mighty thoat
is the face of my son, Carthoris of Helium. p478

Her disheveled hair and panting bosom betokened that,
chained though she was, still had she fought. p484

Then my head came above the deck and I saw Thurid.
dagger in hand, leaping toward me. p494

Main Foyer and Directory
Barsoom Portfolio I
Barsoom Portfolio II
Yeates Eclectica I
Yeates Eclectica II
Convention Sketches
Commissioned Art
Sketch Pad
The B&N John Carter Project
Special Projects
Gallery of ERB Art I
Gallery of ERB Art II
A Princess of Mars Art
The Gods of Mars Art
The Warlord of Mars

Thomas Yeates
P.O. Box 124
Jenner, CA 95450
The Thomas Yeates Official Website

All Yeates art and images copyrighted by
Thomas Yeates

ERBzine Weekly Webzine
Bill Hillman