Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webzines and Webpages In Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure
Creator of Tarzan®  and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction"


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Fredrik Ekman
first discovered Edgar Rice Burroughs when he read the Tarzan and John Carter comics, and later some of the Tarzan books, as a kid. His flame to fandom was lit when he stumbled across The Gods of Mars in his late teens, and he has been an avid fan ever since.

Fredrik lives in Sweden where he works as a language teacher and author. He has been active in ERB fandom since the mid 1990s, when he joined the ERB-list mailing list. Later, he became a contributor to ERBzine and, in particular, ERB-APA, where he has been an active member since 2006. He has written dozens of ERB-related articles, and he has also authored the book Jetan: The Martian Chess of Edgar Rice Burroughs (McFarland, 2022), the first book ever about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ chesslike game jetan.

In his spare time, Fredrik is a singer and a martial artist. He has been singing since about age four in many different choirs, including the male voice choir Orphei Drängar, one of Sweden’s most prestigious choirs. Fredrik is also a choir leader, and has conducted several choirs.

Fredrik has been a martial artist through most of his adult life, since the early 1990s, and he specialises in ju-jutsu. He has a third dan black belt in ju-jutsu, and has practiced several other styles as well. He is a certified instructor at the local martial arts club.

Fredrik lives with his wife and two daughters in the Swedish highlands of Småland, in the small town of Nässjö.

The first book ever about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ game jetan.

Fredrik involved with tameshigiri, 
which involves cutting straw mats with a sharp sword. 
Photo © 2011 Caroline Lindholm, all rights reserved.

Fredrik conducting a choir during an outdoor performance. 
Photo © 2015 Ann-Sofie Ekman, all rights reserved.


Fredrik's ERBapa Revised Reprints of His ERBapa Submissions
Kari T. Leppänen Interview ~ ERBzine 7986
Dynamite Comics Perspectives ~ 7987
Burroughs' Plots: The Hero and the Princess ~ ERBzine 7971
Meet Dejah Thoris, Not Scientist ~ ERBzine 7972
Nakedness On Mars ~ ERBzine7973a
Carson Napier's Anotar ~ ERBzine 7974a
"Jet-an" and the Movie that Never Was ~ ERBzine 7975a
Role-Playing on Barsoom: A Review ~ ERBzine 3693
John Carter and the Emperor ~ ERBzine 6605
About John Carter and the Giant of Mars ~ ERBzine 6606
Exploring Jetan ~ ERBzine 7030
The Rules of Jetan, or Martian Chess ~ ERBzine 7030a

Dressed to Kill: A Study of Martian Fashion ~ ERBzine 0438
Chronology For the Princess of Mars Trilogy and Master Mind of Mars ~ ERBzine 0507
Before Venus: Carson Napier's Background ~ ERBzine 0604
A New Kind of Burroughs Comic ~ ERBzine 0853
A Barsoomian Crossword ~ ERBzine 0867
A Barsoomian Crossword Solution ~ ERBzine 0868

Adventures of John Carter from the Czech Magazine ABC Graphic Pages
Transcribed by Fredrik Ekman for Google Translation
A Princess of Mars and Gods of Mars (Graphic Version) ~ ERBzine 1525
Thuvia Maid of Mars (Graphic Version) ~ ERBzine 1526

Marking Time on Burroughs' Barsoom ~ ERBzine 1630
Chronology For E. R. Burroughs' Venus Series ~ ERBzine 1631
"Unknown" Burroughs First ~ ERBzine 3747
ERBzine Fiction Archive: The Emerald of Mars by Ed Augusts ~ Discovered by Fredrik
List of Barsoom-related Games Compiled by Fredrik Ekman

Meeting Fredrik Ekman by Jim Hadac ~ ERBzine 2309
Contributor Gallery: Part I ~ 6605
Fredrik Ekman Contributions to ERBapa Listed in the ERBzine APAContents Pages ~ ERBzine/apa

Jim and Fredrik at Fredrik's home - see caption below
Meeting of Two Major  ERB Fans
Jim Hadac (L) from USA Visits Fredrik Ekman (R) in Sweden

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