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Volume 3483

Captain John Bourke's
Illustrations and Text from the First Editions

Captain John Gregory Bourke

On the Border With Crook

General George Crook
On the Border With Crook: NY: Charles Scribner's Sons - 1891


L-R: Second Lieutenant John G. Bourke (Third Cavalry and Aide-de-camp to General Crook),
Azor H. Nickerson (General Crook's valiant captain in the Indian Wars) and General George Crook, c1875.

Spotted Tail

Sharp Nose


An Apache Rancheria

Captain Crook and the Friendly Apache Alchisay

Conference Between General Crook and Geronimo

Captain John Gregory Bourke
The Medicine Men of the Apache: eText


Necklace of Human Fingers

Apache Medicine Hat Used in Ghost Dance

Apache Medicine Shirts



Scalp Shirt of the "Little Big Man"

ERBzine Refs
Bourke Books in ERB's Personal Library
Apache Devil in ERBzine Illustrated Bibliography
The War Chief Entry in ERB Illustrated Bibliography
Bourke's Influences on ERB's Apache Novels
Burroughs Bibliophiles

ERB's Influences for the Apache Novels I
The Marvellous Country: Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apache's Home by Samuel Woodworth Cozzens 1873
Thrilling Days in Army Life by General George. A. Forthsyth 1900
Lives of Famous Indian Chiefs by Norman B. Wood
The Frontier Trail by Colonel Homer W. Wheeler
The Land of Poco Tiempo by Charles. F. Lummis

ERB's Influences for the Apache Novels II
Geronimo's Story of His Life by S.M. Barrett, 1907
Trailing Geronimo: The Outbreak of the White Mountain Apaches, 1881 - 1886  by Anton Mazzanovich
Life Among the Apaches by John Carey Cremony
Apache Medicine-Men by John G. Bourke

OB's Scrapbook: Michigan Military Academy I
OB's Scrapbook: Michigan Military Academy II
Michigan Military Academy Years: Gridiron Memories
ERB with Charles King at MMA I
ERB with Charles King at MMA II
General Charles King / ERB Connection
ERB's Remarkable Summer of '93: Columbian Exposition


On the Border With Crook

The Medicine Men of the Apache: eText

Life Among the Apaches by John Cremony: eText - html

See Edgar Rice Burroughs Personal Library: Shelf  C5 
Review Ref:
John C. Cremony (1815-1879) met the Apaches first as an enemy but became their greatest advocate. His opportunity to observe them closely was unique. It may have been the only time near the peak of their powers that a white man could have survived within their territory long enough to get to know them. Cremony recognized their primitive virtues as well as their savage flaws. He never idealized them but he admired and respected them as enemies and eventually as friends. He was uniquely qualified by disposition to do so and write about his experiences among the Apache people before guns and government overwhelmed them. It seems unlikely that anything as accurate has been written about the Apache character and way of life. His observations confirm the extraordinary quality of their horsemanship, stealth, stamina, and ferocity but Life Among the Apaches also tells more about their private lives than everything else I’ve read combined. 

Cremony’s accounts of his person experiences, conflicts and close calls, were the stuff of action adventure worthy of an epic movie but it is his insights into Apache beliefs and thought were most remarkable. See Chapters XV and XX especially. This book should be regarded as an essential reference for any new study of Apache history or anthropology. After Sibley’s Confederate were defeated in New Mexico the California Union army volunteers were assigned to New Mexico to protect the inhabitants from “Indian outrage.” “What the Confederates failed to appropriate the Apaches had destroyed.” The Apache and Navaho were suppressed and Cremony and the California cavalry of which Cremony was a member were assigned guard duty at the Bosquo Rodondo reservation in the Pecos region. It was there that he served the Apaches so well as their friend and intermediary saving them from starvation and constant dangerous misunderstanding. He lived in their midst and studied them. He compiled “the only vocabulary of the Apache language in existences.” The Apache language included a fully adequate decimal system. His commanding officer General Carleton “sent the manuscript to the Smithsonian Institution.” His descriptions of the Bosquo Rodondo as it was then fills one with painful regret the passing of so much wild beauty.

I was over half way through The Timeless Land when I started Life Among the Apaches. The differences between Australian aborigines and Apaches seem at least as significant as the similarities. White men were new to the coastal Australian aborigines in the 1770s and they still trusted them. The desert Apaches first encountered white men hundreds of years before and no longer trusted them in the 1830s. By 1840 the aborigines no longer trusted them either. The aborigines were gentler people than the Apaches. Their costal environment was much friendlier than the Apaches’ desert where survival was always in question; that difference may also have contributed something to the higher level of hostility between the Apaches and invading strangers. All primitive people love bright color and displays of status as evidence of fitness. Where life is hardest is where the least attention is given to reciprocity; altruism is less likely than revenge. Cremony wrote “… although one may feel wholly guiltless of act or intention against the savages, he is held strictly by them for the acts and intentions of his predecessors.” “In the desire to do them good we have done them the most harm. In the hope of excising their savage defect we have inoculated them with the most terrible vices.” 

If the Apaches had been able to turn from raiding to trading and moved beyond tribal rivalry and cooperation to effective government there would be an Apache nation between the USA and Mexico today. If the “five civilized tribes” of the Southeast … If the Iroquois… If the Sioux…

Campaigning with Crook by Charles King: eText

ERB: The War Years
1896-1897 at Fort Grant with the U.S. 7th Cavalry

1. Arizona Adventures
2. Sketch Book Memories
3. Fort Grant Today
4. Fort Grant Photos
5. Bloody 7th Scrapbook
6. Apache Kid Scrapbook

John Gregory Bourke: Wikipedia
John Bourke's Story of the Battle of the Rosebud
The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Captain Bourke's Scatalogic Rites of All Nations


ERBzine 3482
Captain Bourke's Influence
On the Border with Crook
ERBzine 3483
Text and Illustrations
ERB References
ERBzine 3484
Scrapbook: Art and Photos 
Indian Wars and Apaches
ERBzine 3484a
Apache 3-D Photos
28 Stereoviews

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