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Volume 2978
James Killian Spratt's Graphic Interpretation of 
Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars 

(click panels for full-screen size)
Page 247:

My companion, a native of the city, 
was offered immediate employment by 
the Captain of the Guards, 
who was duly impressed by her banth-killing prowess
-- an enviable credential even for a male warrior, 
and practically unheard-of among Barsoomian females. 

It amused me to realize that perhaps 
her comely femininity had contributed
to the good Captain's enthusiasm.

She would also be paid extra 
for the use of the thoat 
as a mounted patrol officer, 
so I immediately offered to give it to her,
but she insisted upon paying me for it. 

In parting she thanked me for 
helping her turn her fortune for the better 
and bade me a wistful but cheerful farewell.

Page 248:

It was still very early in the morning 
and the streets 
were practically deserted. 
The residences, 
raised high upon their metal columns, 
resembled huge rookeries 
perched atop steel tree trunks.


Page 249:

The main fear of Barsoomians 
is assassination, 
whereas theft is practically unknown. 

The shops as a rule 
were not raised for the night, 
nor even were their doors 
bolted or barred.


The Ptors had given me explicit directions 
to the offices of the government agents 
to whom they had given me letters, 
and to living accommodations nearby. 

My way led to the central square or plaza,
the heart of all Martian 


Page 250
The plaza of Zodanga covers a square mile and is bounded by the palaces of the Jeddak,
the Jeds and lesser members of royalty, and principal public buildings, cafes and shops. 
I crossed the great square lost in wonder and admiration.

Page 251

Presently a red man 
walking briskly toward me 
from one of the avenues caught my eye. 
He looked very familiar.

He paid me not the slightest attention, 
but as he came abreast 
I recognized him, 
and turning
placed my hand upon his shoulder, 
calling out 
"Kaor, Kantos Kan!"


Page 252

Like lightning he wheeled 
and before I could 
so much as lower my hand 
the point of his longsword 
was at my breast. 
he growled,--and 
then a backward leap 
carried me fifty feet from his sword.

He dropped the point to the ground 
and exclaimed, laughing, 
"I need no better reply -- 
there is but one man on Barsoom 
who can bounce like a rubber ball. 

By the mother of the further moon, 
John Carter, how came you here? 
And are you a darseen, 
to change your color at will?"

Page 253

I briefly outlined my adventures 
since parting with him at the arena at Warhoon. 
Then he stated 
"You gave me a bad half-minute, my friend. 
Were my name and city known to the Zodangans,
I would soon be sitting on the banks 
of the Lost Sea of Korus 
with my departed ancestors. 
I am here for Helium 
and our Jeddak, Tardos Mors, 
to find Dejah Thoris, our Princess."

He went on: 
"Sab Than, Prince of Zodanga,
has her hidden here, 
is madly in love with her, 
and has convinced his father, 
Than Kosis, Jeddak of Zodanga, 
to make her hand in marriage 
to Sab Than the price of peace 
between Zodanga and Helium.

Page 254

"There is growing anger in Zodanga 
at this needless war, 
and how freely Than Kosis 
spends the blood, sweat and gold of his people. 

Even with its forces greatly diminished, 
Helium is a formidable foe, 
and Zodangan losses are disproportionately high. 
Than Kosis does not risk his own treasure or self, 
surrounded with hundreds of guards, 
and never once venturing to the 

It begins to be seen 
that he cares little for his people, 
but only for his spoiled and unworthy son,
his greedy friends, and his fantasy of himself 
as a great war leader, 
destined for a place in history--

--I would speed him on his way."

I could not help but smile
at Kantos Kan's vehemence.

Page 255

I stated: 
"As long as peoples cling to the practice 
of elevating one as their nation's leader
and granting him full powers, 
there is a strong chance 
that he will be not a patriot but a parasite. 
Rulers start wars to cover 
their own ineptitude and greed.

I have seen such in many lands. 
A greedy Jeddak 
will bring his people only strife."

Kantos Kan agreed: 
"That seems to be the case in Zodanga!"

Page 256

"Zodanga cannot hold Helium's thoat. 
To barter our Princess for peace--our 
women do not trade upon their favors!"


"Tardos Mors did not take Than Kosis' 
arrogant and dishonorable offer well--"


Page 256a

"Such an unconscionable breach 
of standards is simply unacceptable--"


"--but it is what we have come to expect 
from Zodanga, and warrants 
a swift and rude rebuff."


Page 257

"Tardos Mors sent word to Than Kosis 
that Helium would rather see 
their Princess dead than wed against her will, 
and that personally he would prefer 
to burn in dying Helium
than join the metal of his house
to Than Kosis'. 

This was the deadliest affront 
he could have put upon Than Kosis and Zodanga, 
but Helium loves him all the more for it."

The plaza was commencing to fill with people, 
and Kantos Kan led us
to a gorgeous eatery to breakfast. 
We were served entirely by mechanical apparatus. 

No hand touched the food 
until it was delivered hot and delicious 
upon the table before us, 
in response to the touching of tiny menu 
buttons to indicate our desires.

Page 258

As we ate Kantos Kan explained his plan 
to join the Air Squadron of Sab Than,
the Prince, in hopes of discovering 
the whereabouts of Dejah Thoris, 
and urged me to do the same. 
I agreed that the two of us working together 
would be advantageous,
so after our meal 
we went to the headquarters of 
the air scout squadron and 
he introduced me to the Commander.

We signed up together. 
Kantos Kan took my exam for me as John Carter, 
having taken his earlier in a different office, 
a ruse which the Zodangans would discover, 
we hoped, too late for them. 
We were issued our gear, 
and by day's end we were both 
Air Scout Cadets for Zodanga.

Page 259

But a few days' training 
taught me the intricacies of
flying and repairing 
the dainty little Martian scout vessels. 

Sixteen feet long, two feet wide 
and three inches thick, 
with a tiny radium engine 
and buoyancy to support one person. 

The machines were simple and 
the controls easy to learn, and in 
no time I was a flier.

Barsoomian aircraft utilize the eighth ray, 
unknown on Earth, 
for lift and propulsion, 
contained in tanks built into their hulls. 
Even their gigantic battleships, 
far outweighing the greatest warships of Earth, 
float through the skies of Mars 
as lightly and gracefully as toy balloons.
I soon found that flying is truly a joy.

Page 260

The fourth day after arriving in Zodanga 
I made my first solo patrol flight, 
and as a result I won a promotion 
and an assignment
to the Palace of the Jeddak, Than Kosis.

I had raced south
perhaps two hundred miles 
along one of the great canals 
when I descried far below me 
a party of three green warriors
racing madly toward a small figure on foot,
running to escape.

Dropping my machine behind them, 
I soon saw that the object of 
the green men's pursuit 
was one of my own squadron,
his tiny flier a short distance away and 
surrounded by evidence of emergency repairs. 
The green men were almost upon him, 
charging with terrific speed
and couched to spear him,
so I made haste.


Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15a | 16 | 16a | 17 | 17a | 18 | 19 | 19a | 19b | 20 | 20a | 20b
| 21 | 21a | 21b | 21c | 22 | 22a | 23 | 23a |


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