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Volume 1304
A Graphic Interpretation of
Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars
James Killian Spratt

My Advent On Mars

I opened my eyes upon 
a strange and weird landscape. 
I knew that I was on Mars . . . 
The surface was covered with a carpet 
of springy, ocher moss . . .


In the lesser gravitation 
I found that I must learn 
to walk all over again . . .


My movements were 
ludicrous in the extreme . . .
I was helplessly uncoordinated . . .
I landed sprawling . . .
My earthly muscles were too strong 
for the low gravitation . . . 
I was determined, however, 
to explore
the low structure 
which was the only evidence 
of habitation in sight . . .


So I tried one of
the first principles of locomotion -- 

The roof of the enclosure 
was of solid glass 
about four or five inches
in thickness, and --
beneath this were 
several hundred large eggs . . .


Five or six had already hatched . . .

. . . A noise behind me . . . 
I saw . . . . 
I gave a superhuman leap. 
It carried me fully
thirty feet in the air . . .
Which landed me on the 
far side of the domed enclosure.

I saw my enemies lined up along 
the farther wall, 
surveying me 
with extreme astonishment 
for my prodigious leap.
They were conversing together
in low tones and gesticulations 
and pointing toward me.

The Martians turned and rode off perhaps two hundred yards, leaving one of their number by the enclosure . . . 
He was the one whose spear had so nearly transfixed me.

He dismounted, and 
laying his weapons on the ground, 
offered me an enormous metal armlet . . . 
in a clear, resonant voice, 
he made what 
I thought to be overtures of peace, 
although in a language 
I could not understand. 
Later I discovered
his name to be Tars Tarkas,
sub-chieftain of the Tharks . . .

I clasped it on my upper arm 
with a deep bow, 
and was handed up 
behind one of 
my new friend's companions . . . 
they call their 
vicious beasts "Thoats."

--  and the cavalcade galloped 
toward the hills in the distance. 
The riders controlled their mounts telepathically, 
using neither bits nor bridles, an 
ability of all Martians in more or less degree . . . 

Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15a | 16 | 16a | 17 | 17a | 18 | 19 | 19a | 19b | 20 | 20a | 20b |
| 21 | 21a | 21b |

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