Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Volume 1620

Written by Jeff Long
Illustrated by Duane and David Adams ~ Cover by Duane Adams
Inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The tale of two worlds -- one young, another ancient.  Both savage. 
Tardos Mors, Prince of Helium, learns that more than an ocean of space separates them.

Intro 0
Introduction ~ Cover Illustration ~  Table of contents ~ Map of Barsoom 
Meet the Author and Illustrators ~ Ordering Information
Section 1

Foreword The Visit
One: (Tash-ay-ay) The Death of Kings
Two: (Nah-kee) Little Green Men
Three: (Kah-yay) Truce 

Section 2
Four: (Tin-yay) Princes of Mars
Five: (Asht-lay) Girl of the Woods
Six: (Host-kon-ay) Being Human
Seven: (Host-ee-day) Kelgo-na-ay's Crazy Cousins 

Section 3
Eight: (Hah-pee) The Jeddak of Phundahl
Nine: (En-gost-ay) Shis-Inday Tells Me Her Story
Ten: (Go-nay-nan-ay) Blasphemy
Eleven: (Klats-at-too-ooh) Hora San 
Section 4

Twelve: (Nah-kee-sah-tah) Bal Zak
Thirteen: (Kah-yay-sah-tah) The Angry Dance
Fourteen: (Tin-sah-tah-hay) The Juggernaut
Fifteen: (Asht-lay-sah-tah-hay) On the Banks of the Iss 

Section 5
Sixteen: (Host-kon-sah-tah-hay) The Jeddak of Helium
Seventeen: (Host-ee-sah-tah-hay) House of Spirits
Afterword: Gora-ban-Hinsu


Jeff Long's
Jeff "Elmo" Long, 40, has been a Burroughs fan since he was eight. 
He discovered a stash of ERB books in his grandfather’s basement
and never looked back. 
He's written several pastiches, including the novella 
A Princess of Jasoom
and a tabloid newspaper called 
The Barsoomian Blade
He lives in Chicago, where he is a reporter.

Also Featured in ERBzine:
Barsoomian Blade Parodies I
Barsoomian Blade Parodies II
Barsoomian Blade Parodies III
Barsoomian Blade Parodies IV
Barsoomian Blade Parodies V
Barsoomian Blade FanFic I
Barsoomian Blade FanFic II
Barsoomian Blade FanFic III
The Labors of Lakor by Elmo
The Brain of Lakor by Elmo

Listen to the Podcasts of Elmo's Dateline Jasoom
via the vast Gridley Wave Network.
Visit for directions on 
tuning in your Gridley Wave antennae.
The show is podcast every two weeks and features
a full 15 minutes of news, zaniness, music, 
and interviews with ERB-world personalities --
all beamed directly from Elmo's state-of-the-art 
GWN studios on Jasoom..

Writer, Jeff "Elmo" Long, may be reached at Panthan Press:


ERBzine Articles and Art by the Brothers Adams

Duane Adams
Comics Summaries
David Adams
Chattering from the Shoulder
Articles by Nkima

by Jeff Long

ERBzine 1620
Intro & Contents
ERBzine 1621
Section 1
ERBzine 1622
Section 2
ERBzine 1623
Section 3
ERBzine 1624
Section 4
ERBzine 1625
Section 5

Jeff Long's Barsoomian Blade & Panthan Press Features in ERBzine
Blade 1 | Blade 2 | Blade 3 | Blade 4 | Blade 5 | Blade Fiction 1 | Fiction 2 | Fiction 3 | Fiction 4
Princess of Jasoom | Princess 1 | Princess 2 | Princess 3 | Princess 4 | Princess 5 |

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ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2017 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
©1998/2006 Jeff Long
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.