ERBzine: Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Homepage
Volume 0053a
Studley Oldham Burroughs Art Gallery

Tarzan the Invicible cover art by Studley O. Burroughs

Frontispiece: "Put down the she," said Tarzan.
Tarzana First Edition

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

TARZAN OF THE APES was my third story. It was written in Chicago in 1912. A PRINCESS OF MARS was the first and THE OUTLAW OF TORN the second. Which reminds me of an amusing review of the latter, which was not published in book form until about sixteen years after it was written. The reviewer commented upon the great improvement and maturity of my style in this "later" work.

Tarzan seized the public fancy almost instantly. Just why he did so, I do not know. It was one of those things, like the Tariff and an Income Tax Statement, that have always been beyond me. In Germany they named chocolates, cigarettes and cabarets after him; in Russia the Soviet government took cognizance of him when they discovered that both the Russian literati were reading him out loud to the rest of the communists in preference to Soviet propaganda; in England, the Prince of Wales  named one of his horses Tarzan. Movie horses, movie lions and race horses bear his name. And now there is a United States Post Office called Tarzana.

Tarzan has appeared in newspapers, magazines and books; on the stage and on the screen; over the radio; he has been translated into sixteen foreign languages; in strip form, he is appearing in newspapers the length and breadth of the United States. I am told that it is estimated that twenty-five millions of people see Tarzan every day, in this country, in the newspapers alone.

Why all this popularity? I wish I knew; but not knowing. I can only be happy in the knowledge that he has brought a few hours of entertainment to so many people.

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Tarzana, California

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Scan of original cover art by Studley Oldham Burroughs
Oil on canvas ~ 29.5 x 20 in.

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Tarzan and the City of Gold

Part of our Burroughs Family Tribute Series

.Part I: ERBzine 0053
Biography and Art
Part II: ERBzine 1977
Family Christmas Memories
 .Part III: ERBzine 1978
The Final Years
Part IV: ERBzine 2039
Cartoon Art
Part V: ERBzine 0053a
Larger DJ Images
Part VI: ERBzine 4592

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